District 10

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"The gentle lowing of cattle is the first thing a visitor to District 10 hears. This region raises strong, healthy livestock, which becomes the meat that helps us raise strong, healthy children of Panem."

Female Tribute: Taken by oriyatsuri

Name: Maia Vermont

Age: 17

District: 10

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi

Faceclaim: (don't have an idea so I'll just describe how she looks:) short brunette hair that reaches her shoulders and is usually in a bun, green eyes that change their shade with he emotions and light skin. Pretty tall for her age.

Clothes: always black. Probably a short sleeved shirt and Comfortable pants. Comfortable to fight with. Also a silver belt to keep weapons. (In the District and in the capital, doesn't care how she looks)

Personality: a daredevil. Will never refuse a challenge. Loves racing and fighting as long as it doesn't involve killing. Very stubborn. If she decides something she'll go with it until the end, and it's nearly impossible to stop her from doing it. Is actually nice to people unless they threaten someone she cares about. Hates being told what to do. Doesn't trust people easily. Actually doesn't like her district.

Skills: fighting and stealing

Strengths: good with a sword, never gives up, ignores pain

Weaknesses: traveling. Any type of vehicle. Doesn't care for her wounds since she barely feels them. She also has trust issues.

Likes: racing, fighting, challenges, saving people

Dislikes: being told what to do, bullies and people who hurt those she cares about, traveling, not being able to help someone in need

Hobbies: racing and challenging herselfFamily: one brother who is two years older than her.

Backstory: her parents died in an accident when she was ten, although she always says it wasn't an accident but a murder. Because of that accident she hates vehicles. She was left with her brother who was hurt pretty badly and she had to take care of him, which left her no time to work like the rest of her district, and that's why she had no money and had to steal for food. She also had to learn to care for herself since a lot of people attacked her, so she taught herself to fight, and to ignore pain.

Preffered weapon: a sword

In a fight: she'd try to hurt the opponent without killing him, and wil probably run away after she makes sure he can't follow her.

Allegiances:only if she has to, Because she doesn't trust anyone.

Male Tribute: Taken by 

Male Tribute: Taken by 

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NAME | Jasper Snyder 

AGE | 13 


GENDER | male 

SEXUALITY | homosexual 

FACE CLAIM | lets imagine a younger Jordan Gavaris (aka Felix from Orphan Black). He also has an silver earring in his right earlobe. 


 (D I S T R I C T) He usually wears leather, an abundant resource in his district, and prefers black over any colour. Since his parents were one of the richer families in the district, he had access to the clothes he liked. 

 (C A P I T O L)He is usually seen in black, leather huntsman clothing. It isn't much different from his usual clothing style, the only difference is that now his clothes are a lot fancier and made of better quality than before. 

 PERSONALITY | Jasper was not made for the Hunger Games. He's a softy with a heart too big for one person. That is for other humans. Cattle is cattle after all, one shouldn't get attatched to those things that were meant to die. Dogs and cats are not cattle. He gets easily scared and well, he's just a little boy more than anything. But that should be expected. He's only 13. He has a vivid imagination and can turn his fears into games, making them somewhat less scary at times. When he's scared he jokes a lot too, just to make the scary things go away. However, this doesn't always solve his problem, for sometimes fear is there for a reason. Jasper isn't someone that has a lot of faith, which is why he has already decided that he's gonna die in these Hunger Games, no matter what he does, he would always be one of the underdogs. He bears no anger towards those in the Capitol. He hates that emotion and he hates that that is one of the few things he hates. The reason why he has no hatred towards the Capitol is because he hasn't known hardship with his family being pretty well-off. 

 SKILLS | he has some experience in handling a skinning knife, but most of all he is a sweetheart that people adore. He will have to rely on that in order for him to survive. 

 STRENGTHS | He is very compasionate, good at 

running, can gauge the mood somewhere pretty accurately. 

 WEAKNESSES | He is a people pleaser: as long as the public adores him, he's good. He has no faith in his survival. 

 LIKES | goofing around, doing his hair, chocolate, mechanics 

 DISLIKES | fighting, hatred, wasting food, walking without shoes 

 HOBBIES | painting, running, playing games 

 FAMILY | His father owned quite a bit of land in their district, hence why they were quite well-off. His mother has been sick for a while, but the doctors don't know how to cure her. Jasper has an older brother as well, but he's already a 20 year old and all grown up.

BACKSTORY | Jasper was born in a family of three, now making it a family of four. His father was rich and so he lived an easy life. Every once in a while there was of course a public whipping that he had to wittness, but overall he's led a particularly easy life. That was, until he heard his name at the reaping. 

 PREFERRED WEAPON | dagger or a knife 

 BEHAVIOUR IN A FIGHT | his human instinct will tell him that he should not kill another human and therefore he will flee most situations, not even trying to engage or watch. If he cannot flee and he's alone, he'll probably die. 

 ALLEGIANCES | yes, but not with the older kids because they can kill him easily (he has some brains)

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