part 7

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*the next day*

I smile to the light coming in my window. "ITS OPPOSITES DAYYY!" i scream. Payton bursts in my room.

"Whathu gonna do.sis?" He asks.

"Dress like a dude!!" I say. He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Starts... now!" He says ans runs out of my room. I run to my closet and pull out an outfit, settig it down and getting dressed.

 I run to my closet and pull out an outfit, settig it down and getting dressed

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I grab my phone and walk downstairs. Payton drops his sandwhich when he sees me.

"You make a really ugly dude."< he says, smiling. "Thanks" i say, as i know.hes being sarcasric.. cuz. Well...

It is oppisites day lol.

I post the picture on instagram of paytons reaction and my outfit and i giggle at all the comments.

I decide to go on a liking and replying spree to some fans. And by that i mean.. to Every. Single. One.

About 2 hours later... payton pushes me onto the couch. I qsk what hes doing and he sits on my lap. "Youre crushing my bones, Jay!" I say. "Hey! Dont say my middle name!" He says. I giggle and pull out my phone. I have a DM from ... i open it.


???: hey, your Paytons sister, right?

Um... yes... why? Is everything okay? Are you a girlffriend i need to know about lol?

That would be lovely... are you hanging out with Josh Richards?

Not atm no, but yeah. Y?

Well... do you like Josh??? As more than a friend?

Idek you lol. But... yeah... like, a lot.

I think.he likes you too. Yall would make an adorable ass couple. shit. I gtg. Byeeee.


I shut my phone off and look at payton. "That was weird." I say, walking up the stairs.

*joshs pov*

I text y/n from an unknown fan account for me. I use it a lot to talk to fans but... now.its for her..

*you have aleady seen the messages lol*

I drop.he phone on the bed. I scream.

"SHE LIKES ME TOOOO!" I jump around in excitement. Alright. So..... her prom is wednesday... i know what her dress looks like, hell... i bougt it!

Shit! I gotta get a tux with a tie matching her dress. And i gotta.get a corsage . Shit. I have a lot to do!

I call up payton and we go shopping for the stuf.

The total was $207.73 for the whole deal.

Thas a loottt.

I get everything ready to ask her to.prom tomorrow. Itll be tmonday, tmr, when i ask her to.prom.

I scroll thru her insta. God dqmn shes so fucking hot.

*sams pov*

(Ok imma be honest. I done forgot wtf her name is. So imma say samantha.. wait.. im a dumbas.. that is her name. Lol. Im anidiot.)

I hear payton slam the door.

"Tomorrow dress cute!" He screams. I giggle.

Its8:57 pm. I lay down and drift off to sleep.

Josh Richards ~ Tik Tok Crush ~ Smut FanficWhere stories live. Discover now