chapter 2 - the fight

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A/N okay so i decided to make this a story instead of a one shot, and i haven't written in a long time so i'm sorry if this is bad!!! also just ignore the fact that this whole thing is gonna be lowercase.

bellamys POV:

i went to bed in a sleeping bag next to murphy, when i woke up he was gone. of course. i rub my eyes looking around for any trace of him, there is none. not even any footprints, man this kid is light on his feet. probably cuz he's tiny, he would kill me if i ever told him that. i get the feeling he doesn't like being called small.

i walk outside and see that most of the betas and omegas aren't near their tents, then i hear people yelling "murphy! murphy!" "alex! alex!!" oh my god i'm gonna kill him i thought to myself as i walked over angry to the circle of people.

i wanted murphy tough, but we don't need to be making enemy's right now.

i walked to the group of people to see blood all over murphy's face and only one scratch on alex's face. murphy looked pissed while alex was just sitting and laughing at him.

murphy tackled alex to the ground but alex just turned him over and stared punching him over and over again. i felt anger boil in me knowing that someone was hurting him. i ran over and grabbed alex and punched him hard enough for him to fall to the ground.

soon his alpha came over to help him and i pulled murphy away. i was holding onto him while walking to our tent, when he suddenly pulled away from me.

"what the hell do u want from me?!? leave me alone" he said. he limped away obviously in pain.

(A/N i know that in a lot of tv shows/books have werewolf's heal automatically but like they don't in this one and they r barley gonna be werewolf's i just needed a plot😂)

i walked away into the forest frustrated, octavia joined me. i spent the day teaching her how to kill, gut and cook animals. everyone ate with their packs, they all met up and discussed things. the alphas has the responsibility of being home the food.

atom and charlotte sat around the little tree stump we had our food on. but murphy was still no where to be seen. then i hear it again, "alex! alex! murphy! murphy!" i sigh and go running over to the crowd.

"i hate you you son of a bitch!! i'll kill u!!" murphy yelled then attacked alex once again. i swear i could see tears in murphy's eyes, clearly alex was saying something to murphy to make him mad.

alex soon turned them over as started kicking and hitting murphy. octavia being the sweet person she is tried to help murphy but ended up getting hit. seeing octavia get hit and murphy get hit had the same effect on me. i was pissed, so i attacked alex, hitting and punching any part of his body i could.

alex's alpha, brooks, hit me. punched me right in the face, soon the fight died out and i took murphy back to my tent. i pulled him in and he immediately went out.

"hey! come back here! you can't just leave!" i yelled.

"watch me! fuck u!" he yelled back. i hate this kid, not rly but still he's annoying as hell.

soon charlotte came into the tent with me and started cleaning my cut, even though murphy was the one who really needed healing.

at around 10:00 i decided to stop waiting for murphy to come back, so i got in bed, put the covers on me, and as soon as i closed my eyes i heard someone come into the tent.

it was murphy.

he was crying, which surprised me. i was about to get up to help him but he started whispering something, so i decided to continue to fake sleep.

"he was right, i can't fight. i can't fight to save my life. i can't even fight the guy who got my dad floated..."

then ur hit me, that's why murphy was so mad. that's why he wouldn't get up. alex got his dad floated.

"murphy... i'm so sorry" i said. he gasped and stepped back, frightened.

"i thought u were asleep"

"no, and i heard everything u just said. i misjudged you, i'm sorry. do you need help with your cuts?" i said concerned.

"no, can you" he said hesitating. then he continued, "sometimes i have a hard time sleeping and it's really cold tonight so..."

"yea of course, come here"

he crawled next to me, and later his head on my chest, our legs mixed up with each other. his hair was messy. he soon fell asleep, he actually looked quite cute.

maybe he wasn't so tough after all.


the bond between a beta and alpha could never be broken. bellamy would always protect murphy, no matter how much they seemed like they hated each other.

okay so that was rly bad but i need ideas lol, so if anyone has any let me knowwwwwwwww

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