chapter 4 - their first time

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(lmfao i didn't know what else to name the chapter)          SMUT WARNING btw

murphy's POV:

these past 2 weeks have been good. like really good. like so good that it actually happy for once in my god damn life.

me and bellamy do like everything together, get food, hunt, fight with other packs, hang out with octavia, sleep, and everything else. we're basically a couple.

we act like one too. he always has his hand in my back pocket or his arm around me, we cuddle all the time, but people just think it's normal. that it's just an alpha and beta bonding.

he always kisses me too, not in public tho. he'll kiss me to wake me up, he's kiss my neck, he'll kiss me when he's bored, it's amazing. he's amazing.

they have no idea that's i'm falling for him. see i admitted it, i'm falling for him. i like him, he cares about me, and i care about him.

before i never let anyone get close to me, but bellamy, he's different. good different. like right now, he's teaching me to throw a spear.

"just place your hand in the middle then there other one on the end" he told me. his hands were on mine, his were much bigger than mine.  while his arms were around me, and he was kissing my neck.

"like this?" i said with a giggle.

"no, just a little more tilted" he said getting even closer to me. we were alone in the woods, so he was okay with kissing me.

"there, it's perfect." i said with a smile. i was happy.

"no, it's only perfect when i'm doing this." he said, turning me around and kissing me. his hands were on my hips and mine on his neck. he pulled me closer and closer to him.

3rd person POV

they were making out for a while before bellamy slipped his hands up murphy's shirt and started to take it off.

they made their way to the ground, which already had a blanket on it from their previous picnic murphy set up.

bellamy was on top of murphy, kissing his neck, straddling him. leaving hickeys all down his neck and stomach, bellamys shirt made its way off, murphy feelings his abs and muscles.

bellamy starts making out with murphy again, then puts his hand on murphy's pants, or more specifically, his dick.

"wait" murphy said, "i've never..."

"your a virgin?" bellamys said suprised.

"umm... yea" murphy said, his cheeks getting red, clearly embarrassed.

"don't be embarrassed, i think it's cute, your new to everything, so your reactions will be cute. that's of course, if you want to?"

murphy thought about it for a second, but in the end, he was happy. he trusted bellamy.

"yes, i want to."

"are you sure?"

"yeah, just, go slow at first..."

"of course." bellamy said, sliding his hand in murphy's pants, slowly jerking him off while still making out with him.

murphy's moans filled the woods, after bellamy had his pants all the way off, and striped himself to his underwear.

"i'm gonna..." murphy said moaning

"not yet, get on your hands and knees." bellamy said, jerking himself off a little.

The alphas beta (Murphamy)Where stories live. Discover now