chapter 3 - skinny dipping

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Murphy's POV:

i woke up with arms wrapped around me. this was nice. i was so warm, i just wanted to stay like this forever, in bellamys arms.

"wait" i thought, "in bellamys arms?" once i realized where i was, i tried to get up, but a pair of arms kept pulling me back down. it felt like... he cared. no, don't let yourself think that, love no one and no one can hurt you

so i just stayed there, in his arms, for like 20 minutes. till i got rly bored, and i really needed to pee.

"bellamy" i whispered while tapping him on the shoulder.

"what?" he grumbled moving around a little bit.

"i'm bored... and i gotta pee." i said cuddling into his chest.

"too bad" he said while rubbing his eyes slowly opening them. his eyes, they were so pretty

"fine i'll just pee on you then." i said

"ugh oh my god, your so annoying" he said while rubbing his finger over my neck, the hickeys... oh lord.

"cmon let's go, it's still dark out, i wanna show i something"

"it's 5am, go back to bed"

"no please come with me, i promise i'll make it worth ur while." i whined, wanting him to come with me.

"fine, but where are we going?" he said grumpy, while stretching. i could see his muscles in his arm, god damn

"thats for me to know and you to wonder" i said with a smile.

we stepped out of our tent, trying not to make any noise. clearly bellamy was better at it then me cuz every step i took i either crunched leaves, broke a stick in half or fell.

"could you at least try to be quiet?!?" bellamy asked me frustratedly.

"i'm trying, it's not working" i said.

"we're gonna get caught" he said, then his face light up like he got an idea, he walked over to me, and put his hands on my hips.


i did as told, and he picked me up like i didn't weigh anything, his hands on my ass, and my hands around his neck, holding on to him.

he carried me through the woods till we were far enough to not make any noise.

we made small talk all the way there with me leading how to get to the special spot i found yesterday.

when we finally got there we saw a pond, a pretty big one actually, and it was still pretty dark out.

bellamys POV:

while walking here i thought it was going to be something cool, like a glow up forest, or a waterfall, but no. it was a pond.

"this is it? a pond?" i said confused.

"yes it is. and before you freak out on me for taking you all this way just for a pond, keep in mind, that it's far away, so we can't get caught if we do something bad." he said all in one breath

"something bad? like what?"

then he started taking his shirt off, i could see the cuts and bruises from the fights yesterday, but i mostly noticed how small he was. i could destroy him in bed. no bellamy, don't think that. he took his pants off too then went for his underwear.

"wait, why are you taking ur underwear off? aren't we just gonna go swimming?" i said

then he took his pants off, and turned around so i could see his ass, damn

he turned around and looked at me before jumping in the water. he came up with his hair all messy and wet, the water really brought out his eye lashes.

"not just swimming, skinny dipping, now come in" he said a little too loud.

"i'm good, i don't skinny dip" i said

he gave me a look, before getting pulled under water by something, at first i thought he was playing, but then air bubbles came up, he was underwater for a long time.

i started to get nervous, so i took off my shirt, then pants, the underwear, and jumped in.

then he came up out of the water, out of breath, with a smile on his face.

"haha gotcha" he laughed

"i hate you! you really had me worried!" i said, then splashed him, he splashed me back.

"you wanna go?" i said with a laugh, then he tackled me, we wrestled for a while, pushing each other underwater over and over again

until we ended up in a position of his backed body straddling mine, while i was standing up holding his ass in my hands.

we were both kinda out of breath, his hands were on my neck, and i just looked at him. i looked in his eyes, there was demons, but deep down, there was a sad hurt boy

i felt myself lean in for a kiss...

3rd person POV:

bellamy leaned in for a kiss, murphy did so too. he pressed his lips onto murphy's tasting the blood from the fight murphy got in yesterday.

they kissed, and kissed, and kissed some more, getting more heated each second, their lips moved in sync, there hands all over each other, their dicks getting hard, till they were both out of breath.

their foreheads were pressed together, eyes closed, in each other's arms

"we should get back" murphy said.

"yea, we should"

so they both got dressed, went back to camp, and didn't say a word to each other.


okay guys so i finally updated haha, i hope you enjoy. either the next chapter or the chapter after that will be smut, so prepare yourselfs🤪

anyways speaking of smut, who watched outer banks?

if you do, and you ship john b and jj, then check out my other book. the first chapter is smut btw😏😉 it's john b x jj oneshots

thank u! enjoy :)

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