Kelpie the murderer

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As you and your friends walked inside the old abandoned cave one of your friends emma had gone missing earlier but you all thought she was joking around.

As you heard ava scream you and your other friend Sophie thought see was screwing around as you ran anyway you saw blood surrounding the waters edge you screamed calling for Sophia. But when she didn't answer you started to panic.

As you were about to turn something had pulled you under and you lost consciousness. As you woke you were deep inside the cave it was lit up by some lights but what got you were a man staring at you from the water. As you got up you noticed he had a sea house like tail. Shit he was a Kelpie.

As you Looked around in a hurry you couldn't escape this creature. He stood up coming closer to you every step he took.

As he reached you he smiled smelling you and touching you.

"Fuck off" you screamed at him scared. He tilted his head confused.

"Mine" he kissed you pulling you into him did this Kelpie know who he was talking to.

"Go away" You cried scared of him. He looked at you
And licked your tears away. As you looked down he had his penis out on Display which you
Definitely could tell it was no human one. you looked at him and kept telling him to leave you alone.

"My mother of my offspring can't refuse me" he snarled at you hugging you so you couldn't get lose.

As you thought back to your friends all dead because of this Kelpie and here you are still kicking and breathing.

As you thought back to your friends all dead because of this Kelpie and here you are still kicking and breathing

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