Female Wendigo x male wendigo (the female baby maker) part 3

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As your heat had began you had been breeding all winter long now summer was nearly upon you the males has started hunting less as summer was coming. In summer the males would hibernate until winter Came again.

Your daughters were already in hibernation as the males would soon be.

As the leader of the colony you didn't hibernate but you had to catch your own prey now until the males woke up again. As you were heading out to catch prey you stopped smelling the air for predators
Or as you called them nagas. As the coast was clear you head out for deer as You came back with 2 you had to do since you were much likely to be pregnant.

(Mid October when the males and children woke)

As the males stretched and yawned from there long nap. The children looked around for you as you smiled hugging them the males smiled seeing you but even more to see a huge lump coming from your stomach.

As jasper came closer smiling at you with this sharp teeth the children ran about playing as the youngest of the girls stayed not living your side. Jasper came closer examining you and your belly as a female your job was the children the male never got involved only looked at the children not really bothering with them until teenage years.

You were soon to give birth which the males knew
And were excited for but your youngest was still attached to your breast you slowly Weened her off as she could Eat human and deer as her sharp teeth starts to grow.

As the males left to hunt you left your children to run around the nest playing and running to play with the water in the cave.

As it was only morning the children stayed in the cave until afternoon as the naga didn't come out until dark or mornings.

As you were preparing the nest for your birth you knew the colony was thriving as the males came back with a dead naga child in hand

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