(Kelpie the murderer part 3)

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As you were in the cave your husband had seen your daughter with a human boy Which he was not happy with you couldn't get through to your husband she was happy with him but he wanted her to be with a kelpie he knew a human boy couldn't live down here only a woman could. As your daughter entered the cave she had tears down her face as you Ran to her.

"What's wrong my little one" you asked as you cuddled her she couldn't stop crying you knew it was because of that boy and her father.

"We broke up I know that I have to be with my omen kind even father has set someone up for me" you couldn't believe your ears but then you knew who it Definitely was.

He was a good looking kelpie and very strong for his age your daughter was weak compared to many female kelpie her she she was only 16 years of she and her father already wanted her out of the nest to start a new life but you knew it wasn't for that.

When a kelpie reaches maturity they move out and find mates and then the parents have another child that's why he wanted her out so soon. You did agree with Francis in a way he was a lovely boy who could protect her but your daughter didn't know the bad sides of humans and you hoped she never found out.

As Your mate came swimming through you Saw also the boy with him he smiled seeing her who could blame he your daughter was a beautiful woman and looked the spitting image to her father.

As the young male came out you knew as he dragged her into the water the mating dance had started. As he moved around the water trying to impress her and win her as his mate you Saw your mate watch with pride hoping for his daughter to accept him and live and good life instead of getting involved with humans.

As she bit into his neck it was now complete the mating was over and she was now his mate as she swam away you cried knowing you wouldn't see her until her first child was On this earth.

As you turned to Francis he smiled pointing to the nest as you laughed he threw you over his shoulder walking to it.

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