Chapter 9

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I hear loud deep laughter when I walk through the door and slide my shoes off, I've just been at work all day and my feet are extremely sore along with my lower back. I hardly slept last night and I'm drained at the early morning which I absolutely hate.

I walk into the living room seeing Asher and Ace playing Xbox that he took from his room, his tv and Xbox are sitting on the hard wooden floor as they sit on the floor with their legs crossed leaning their back against the couch.

They're both laughing at something stupid, Ace lowly laughing throwing his head back as he claps his head as Ash tells him to shut up while he laughs along with him. It's like I've walked into Asher's room like seven years ago.

The guys have been really helpful these past couple of days with moving everything, half my bedroom is gone leaving on my bed and Asher's room too. We're leaving mums room until last.

I sneak up behind them both and shout at the top of my lung, "Ahhhhh!" Asher screams like a little girl turning around as Ace whips his head around in fear, both their laughter gone bringing mine to life.

"Ha-Ha!" I smirk.

"That's not funny!" Asher holds his hand over his heart.

"It is" I nod, "Ahhh!" I mock Asher's scream.

Ace grins and laughs before turning around averting his eyes back to the screen, "Good day?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, I'm tired though so I think I'll go to bed"

Asher decided to take a few days off work to spend time to help me move things but secretly I know it's because he finally got his bromance back.

"Oh, we left you pizza"

"Did you really or?" Last time they didn't.

"Yeah we did" he rolls his eyes.

I stick my tongue out and he sticks his middle finger up, I head into the kitchen seeing a dominos box sitting on the counter, I open it to a few slices of pizza. I pick up a slice and take a bite, cold pizza hits different.

"Hey" I turn my head seeing Ace walking towards the fridge and pulling out a beer and a soda.

"Hi" I smile and sit down at the island counter.

"Can I ask you something?"


"How come you don't drink anymore?"

I sigh, "I've never had a good experience with alcohol and I like being in control of my body, I like to just" I shrug, alcohol turns me into a person I'm not and I've never been able to control it, I used to drink on weekend and go to school with a hangover but now, it's just not appealing especially since college.

He nods, "Good, I like it when you're"

I smirk, "You're different you know"

"Really?" He raises a brow.

"Yeah, you seem..truly happy or..well collected"

"Collected huh?" He cackles.

"Yeah.." I scoff and take another bite before putting it into the box and sliding my hands across my jeans allowing the crumbs to fall off.

"You are different too"

"How so?" I thought I was the same.

I look at him, his eyes never leaving mine, "Truthfully?"

I nod, "You seem.." he sighs looking at the door before taking the seat beside me, "Before you had fire..anger, happiness but seem sad and..I don't know, misplaced" he shrugs.

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