Chapter 14

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Camila's POV

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Camila's POV

I head down the stairs rubbing the sleep out my eyes, I walk into the kitchen seeing Ace, George and Brad along with Lillian cooking breakfast. Ace and George leaning against the counter as Brad sits on the stool at the island counter.

"Morning darlin'" Lillian glances my way with a smile, all boys turn around to look at me. George smiles with a nod, both Ace and Brad look my body up and down before voicing a morning.

"Morning" I say back to all four.

"You ready for today?" Ace says to me and claps his hands once before rubbing them together.

"Work? Yeah" I shrug and sit down beside Brad.

"No, to have a day of fun" He enthuses widening his arms out.

"It'll have to be after work"

"Call in sick" he shrugs like it's a good idea.

"No, I need to go. We can have fun after"

"Fun?" Brad smirks.

"Not like that, dickhead" Ace scoffs.

"I dunnoooo" He winks at me.

"Brad quit it" Lillian huffs.

I chuckle and shake my head, "Here you go sweetie" Lillian places a plate in front of me.

"Thank you" I politely say.

"Looks like you're favourite now" Brad tuts jokingly because I'm the first to receive breakfast.

I eat my scrambled eggs, sausages and toast with butter. I quickly shower and brush my teeth pulling black jeans and a white see through t-shirt with a white vest underneath. I don't wear any makeup which I rarely do nowadays. I pull my all white vans onto my feet and pulls my cosy coat on. I head to work trying to have the best day i can.

Ace drove me because he said he'll pick me up afterwards, he wouldn't tell me what kind of fun we'll be having but I'm excited for it, hoping my happiness will breakthrough from having fun.

Once it hits four o'clock and I give Mrs Teller a hug and help her close the store, Ace is parked at the side of the road waiting patiently for me.

"Oo, Ace Chambers, is something going on with you two?"

"No..." I laugh and shake my head, "We're just friends like we use to be"

"Use to be?" She sweetly says as I walk her to her husbands car.

"Yeah, we had a thing five years ago but it's different now" I shrug truthfully.

"Oh, it's always nice to have friends" She smiles and I open the car door for her and give her a hug again.

"Hi, Mr Teller" I say loudly and wave at him.

"Hi sweetheart" he nods giving me a little wave with a sweet caring smile.

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