Chapter 16

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Ace's POV

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Ace's POV

I walk into the kitchen seeing Brad sitting on the stool half asleep, "Wake up sunshine" I sarcastically say in my best girly voice.

He groans lifting his head from the counter, "I had a late night"

"Guessed that" He disappeared after dinner last night, sometimes I secretly think he has a woman but he never says.

"So, you here to pick up your girlfriend?" He grins leaning his head on his hand. 

"We're just friends" I shrug, I have no idea what we are.

"Oh cut the bullshit, you both flirted the entire dinner and I'm pretty sure Ma seen you all the touchy and girly giggles from both ends by the way and not to mention I caught you both making out and it looked pretty steamy from how out of breath you both were"

"No we didn't"

"I literally caught you both" he scoffs.

"We weren't flirting" I open the refrigerator.

"Okay, so I can flirt with her then?"

"No" I scowl his way.

"And that says it all, thank you and goodnight" he stands up.

"It's morning" I tell him, it's eleven o'clock.

"Not to me it ain't" he walks out the kitchen. If he isn't drinking the night before he's normally up early for a run.

I don't know what we are, she kissed me twice yesterday and a couple of days before that. Does she maybe just want something quick or does she want a relationship again?

I know I kissed her but I was caught up in the moment and I'm glad Brad caught us in a way because if things do start up again I want to take it slow, do it right. Make it last.

"Morning" She walks in with a bright smile.

"Morning" I laugh and down my orange juice.

"Where's your mum?"

"She is with Hannah and Henry, George is at home I think"

"Hannah's nice c.."

"Compared to Skye?" I finish her sentence.

"Yeah" she laughs.

"I know anyway, you ready for another day of fun?"

"Yeah, whatcha got planned?"

"Loads" is all the information I give her.

She narrows her eyes at me, "No hints?"

"Colourful" I smile.

"Hmm" her brain runs wild.

She's dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a dark purple hoodie with black sneakers. "Are we going shopping today? Christmas is on Wednesday"

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