growth [grohth]
the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase
"her growth was like watching a newborn plant thrive: fulfilling and refreshing all at once."there's many things i'd like to tell you. like how watching you grow from being a shy, meek girl who let other's trample your mind to a confident woman who spoke her thoughts and expressed herself as fluently as speaking has filled me with immense pride. or maybe how watching your talents develop from some shy hobby to something you're not afraid to show the world was the biggest honor i could've been given. and especially how i've fallen deeper and deeper in love with the way your cheeks turn big when you smile [something charming they've always done since we were kids]. i just wish i had the courage to tell you all those things now, but you're way too high up in the the clouds to pay a bother to me
[i just wish you'd remembered me along the way]
[i just wished that you'd felt even a fraction for me as i've always felt for you]
[i just wish i could tell you just how bright your smile is].
escapril '20
Poetrysome more poems every day in april! here's yet another collection of poems i wrote for (almost) everyday in april. from the writing prompt challenge by savannah brown on instagram (@letsescapril).