dusk //4-30-20//

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dear diary,

would you say you've ever been in love? i know that might be a silly question [given you're just a book full of my insignificant thoughts and words] but i'd really love to know. because i don't think i ever have [and truly, i'm wondering if i ever will].

5:30 pm 4/30/20

dear diary,

i know we just talked but i'd like to just say that i've thought it over [you know, a diary being in love, /you/ being in love] and maybe it's not so silly of a question after all. because you've seen the whole world on your pages [or, at least my whole world] and who's to say you haven't fallen in love with the way those words feel on your blank canvas. or maybe you've fallen in love with the tears i've shed onto your open pages as the sky turned from a solemn blue to a fiery dusk. maybe you've even fallen in love with the scenarios i pour from my aching heart [it'd even make me happy to know i could give you such a feeling that it seems i'll never get]

[hopefully all this nonsense means is that if i can give you some bits of what being in love might mean, maybe i'll one day fall in love as well]

7:20 pm 4/30/20

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