Just One More Breath - Description | Information

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1947 - Bucky Barnes is liberated from the Valkyrie crash.

2018 - Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers, criminals of war, reunite with the Avengers to stop Thanos.

2023 - Bruce Banner snapped his fingers, to bring half of the universe back to life.

Steve had witnessed a multitude of Bucky's moods, his range of personalities. Tired after a long day of work, nostalgic, doting on the younger members of his family, military-beaten veteran.

But he had never before seen Bucky so broken.

And maybe those broken pieces would never heal. Maybe they had always been broken, but every new impact sent more cracks spiraling across the glass.

This was a tipping point - between the beginning, and the unavoidable ending.


I'd like to apologize for how awkward Steve's POV is. It doesn't come close to how I wrote Bucky's, and I keep fighting that internal war with myself. But now that I'm out of the MCU scripts (just like Rule The World Or Drown was), and that Bucky's back, I'm hoping I can fix that! Either way, I just really struggled switching from Bucky to Steve, because it required a completely different approach. It was also a last second decision, so I didn't get to prepare myself for it. I just had to dive in.

Despite everything that's happening in America right now, I'm going to continue to post. 1) Writing helps me. I just recently took multiple steps back in my grief management, and I'm not doing too well. 2) I'd like to provide my readers with an escape, if they were to need it. The media is overwhelming right now, and if I'm able to help distract someone that needs it, then that's that.

We only have four chapters left, and then this series is done! We're in the final stages!

Enjoy! 💙

In All Our Years Series - 4 In 1 | Captain!Bucky, WinterSoldier!Steve | StuckyWhere stories live. Discover now