Chapter 1: The Chase

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(Note:This is a fanfic based on The Lord of the Rings. I do not own anything besides the characters.)

"Umph!" Aldith exclaimed as she fell to the ground. She picked herself up and quickly hid behind a tree. She heard approaching footsteps. Two tall, grim-looking men ran past. The tallest man stopped. "Where'd he go?"

"He can't have gone far." His partner replied. They ran down the trail. Aldith laughed quietly to herself. She slipped stealthily from tree to tree, watching the men. Finally, she pulled out her bow. She grabbed an arrow from her quiver and set it to the string. Aiming at the tallest man first, she released. It hit him in the back. He swayed and fell to the ground. His partner turned to speak to him. His mouth dropped open in surprise. He quickly drew his sword from his sheath and looked for his enemy. "Show yourself!" He yelled. Suddenly he felt an arrow pierce his side. He cried out in pain. Falling to his knees, he looked up and saw a hooded figure approach. Aldith pulled her hood back. "Y-you're no man!" He gasped. "Indeed not." She whispered. She drove her knife into him. She ran back to where the chase had began. She whistled a long, clear note. She heard a shrill neigh. Her horse, Ranulf, galloped madly towards her. He slowed to a stop and nuzzled her cheek. She sprang into the saddle. Kicking her spurs into his side, he neighed and dashed away. Aldith heard horns blowing in the distance. She didn't have much time.-

-Ranulf galloped on. How many hours had passed since the chase, Aldith didn't know. Evening faded into night. Suddenly Ranulf slowed to a stop. His nostrils widened. He put his ears back. "Ańor li dúinen?" She whispered into his ear. She dismounted. She saw prints on the ground. As she bent to examine them, high-pitched howls filled the air. Ranulf neighed in terror and took off. "Ranulf, durién!" She yelled. Most of her belongings were in the saddle bags. She still had one small pack of food with her. He soon passed out of sight. She bent to examine the prints again. What she read dismayed her. They were wolf-prints. She stood up. She didn't know where she was. Knowing the horse would try to get home, she followed his hoofprints. They were easy to read. The ground was soft. As she walked into a clearing, she was surprised to see Ranulf standing there. "Ranulf!" She exclaimed. At the sound of her voice he whinnied in delight and ran to meet her. As she turned to mount she felt cold steel meet her neck. She reached for her sword. "I wouldn't do that." The dagger left her neck. "There's no need." Recognizing the voice, she swiftly turned towards it. "Haldin!" She hugged him joyously. "Whence came you? Why? How did you find me?"

"You are forgetting I am skilled in tracking." He laughed. "No, this was a chance meeting. I came here to scout the area when Ranulf galloped towards me. I heard your voice and knew he must have bolted from you."

"Why did you scare me like that?"

"I thought it would be funny." He replied. Aldith glared at him. He laughed again.

"This is no time for jokes." Aldith snapped. "I came here to tell you we are under attack. While I was scouting our northern borders I heard approaching footsteps. I hid in a bush waiting to see whether they were friend or foe. I saw them come up over the hill. They were spies trying to learn the paths of our land for the quickest way into Ithilien."

"You are sure of this?" Haldin inquired.

"Yes. Beyond any doubt. They said so themselves before they spotted me. I was nearly caught.

'Get him! Get the Ranger!"
The tallest man yelled. I ran out of the bush just in time to be tripped by the taller man's partner. He put his boot on my leg, pinning me down.
'What did you hear?' He snapped.

All the information I needed.'
I replied. I tripped him. I escaped and hid behind some trees. When they walked past I shot them. I then made my way back here." Haldin looked troubled. "We must warn the other Rangers." He said. "I know." Aldith replied.-

-End of chapter 1

When Aldith said "Ańor li dúinen" it means "what is wrong". When she said "durién"
it means "stop". I created a secret language for the Rangers to use. :)

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