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Warnings: dead body, discovery of body part

Y/F/N - Your First Name
Y/L/N - Your Last Name

Author’s note: gif not mine, owned by @thompsonconnors. This is my first fic ever so be nice with the comments haha

It was your first time in Chicago. You’ve always wanted to visit the city but didn’t have time so when you were given an opportunity from work, you took it. You worked as a freelance photographer and sometimes modeled (coz modeling always earned you more money than being a photographer). However this time, you would be working as both. A friend recommended you to be a model for an upcoming brand in Chicago and they were looking for new faces so your friend recommended you and just like that you needed to be in Chicago for an indefinite time. The photographer of the brand found out that you were also a photographer so he got you some minor gigs if your modeling schedule allowed it.

Anyways, you’ve just been going around with your camera taking random pictures since you didn’t have anything scheduled until the next day. You were in a park taking pictures of people doing various activities and random spots in the park and when you were reviewing your photos, you noticed that one of your shots had something weird on the side. Taking a closer look, you saw a bloody arm. Since you remembered where you took that picture, you went back to the location and there was indeed an arm poking out of a trash bag. Not knowing what to do, you dialled 911 and reported what you found.

It took about five minutes for police in uniforms to arrive. You pointed to where you found the arm and gave your statement. They told you to wait for the detectives to come in case they had anymore questions. You sat down on a nearby bench and waited. About ten more minutes later, several more police officers came and started putting up tape to keep people away from the vicinity, among them were several people who you knew had more authority than those officers in uniform. One stood to out you, a tall hot guy, brunette. He had a chiseled face and you wondered if he ever tried out for a modeling career coz he was that handsome.

You watched as they approached the crime scene, as they started going around looking for more clues and whatnot. You also noticed how one of those officers in uniform pointed in your general direction as if they were talking about you as the handsome guy you couldn’t take your eyes off looked in your direction. You watched as he and his partner, a blonde woman walk towards you.

“Excuse me, miss. I’m Detective Jay Halstead and this is my partner Detective Upton. They said you were the one who found the arm. Can you tell us what happened?” Tall hot guy said to you as his partner nodded her head and gave you an assuring smile.

You stood and nodded, “Uh, yeah. I was taking random pictures and uhm, when I was reviwing my pics, I found something weird so I zoomed in and well, it turned out to be an arm. I still remembered the spot where I took the pics so I went back and when I confirmed it really was an arm I called 911.”

The two looked at each other and then the woman asked to see your photos which you didn’t hesitate to show her. “Uhm, you can make a copy of the pics and I’ll even delete the pics wherein the arm is shown since I think they would be considered as evidence. But uhm I just need my camera and sd card back, I’m a photographer so I will need those in the future.” You told the two and they nodded. “Alright, hold on, let me copy these onto our laptop and delete any pics that shows the arm. It might take a moment so just wait there.” Detective Upton told you while her partner stayed with you.

“Uhm, miss…” Detective Halstead asked and you remembered that you have yet to introduce yourself. “Oh I’m sorry, my name is Y/F/N Y/L/N. I actually just got to Chicago this morning for an indefinite stay here due to work so uhm if you need to contact me, here’s my card.” You told him as you opened a pocket from your camera bag and gave your card to him.

Jay Halstead ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now