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Jay Halstead x Queen!sister

Requested on Tumblr: a Chicago PD x Arrow crossover!


You had moved to Chicago from Star City after everything became too much for you in Star City. Your older brother, Oliver Queen, and his girlfriend, Sarah Lance, went missing and presumed dead. But then they weren't. And then your long time crush, Tommy Merlyn, and your mother died. Then a bunch of other people died and then you found out that Thea, your older sister was actually not your biological sister but is the sister of Tommy. Later, Oliver became Mayor and then you found out that Oliver also had another secret identity and is your city's vigilante called The  Hood/Green Arrow, until Oliver wasn't Mayor anymore. Then you discovered about The Bunker or well the secret hide out of your city's vigilantes which by the way included your brother's then girlfriend, now his wife, Felicity Smoak, and his bodyguard/best friend/sworn brother, John Diggle, was also part of the whole crazy shindig and what shocked you the most was that majority of the people you knew were actually in on the secret vigilante group. Well, it didn't really shock you since you knew how much your brother had changed ever since he came back from that wretched island he was stuck on. But it did hurt you that none of them bothered to tell you anything but you also knew that your family and friends were only keeping you safe until someone actually kidnapped you and you discovered everyone's hard and shitty past that everyone was trying to hide from you. So, after being rescued by your older siblings, Oliver and Thea, and the other vigilante, your brother and John Diggle ended up training you after weeks of persuasion which by the way you had to up your game.

Actually, Oliver and John Diggle only agreed to train you because you needed to be able to protect yourself and well because they also had a soft spot for you. You were everyone's little sister because you were a total opposite from your parents and siblings. You were sweet, innocent, carefree, into books, liked to stay indoors, but at the same time you were incredibly smart, had spunk, and well, you were one hell of a hacker (but no one knows this because you were able to keep it a secret). Your skills were on the same level with Felicity, maybe even better since you learned how to hack at an early stage. But at the same time, you shared the same trait with your siblings. You're stubborn and always somehow ends up getting into trouble without even meaning to.

So, Ollie and Diggle trained you while you helped Felicity upgrade The Bunker when you weren't training. Actually, Felicity ended up finding out the you were the famous hacker named as Archangel or in the hacker's world "4RCH4N63L" which basically is code for Archangel but whatever. You made her promise that she wouldn't tell anyone. Then the whole Earth Crisis happened and you met Supergirl, The Flash and his team from Star Labs, and Team Legends. It was whole other level of cool to you but after the Earth Crisis, you decided you needed a new start. So you moved to Chicago.

Five years later, you were working as an IT consultant in a law firm by day and vigilante at night. You still kept in contact with everyone else and you would usually check on everyone every weekend (without them knowing). You even have a boyfriend now who is a detective in the Intelligence unit, one of Chicago's finest.

It was currently your day-off and you were at home in your apartment, listening on what was happening in The Bunker without anyone knowing, even Felicity, and you were laughing your ass off because Felicity was rambling yet again and Curtis Holt was making yet another side comment which you always found funny. Then they started talking about some kind of plan but they were stuck and you couldn't help but comment.
"You know, if you needed help, all you had to do was ask. I mean, come on guys! Its not like I'm not updated with what's happening with you people. You're like in that weird movie I never like...Christmas Carol coz you know, ghosts of Christmas past and all." You said after activating your microphone and saw on your screen and heard at the same time everyone else's reaction to hearing your voice.
"What the hell?"
"Is that, Y/N?"
"Holy shit."
"Woah man! Not cool!"
"I hate it when she does that!"
Then you heard your brother's calm voice after everyone's initial shock.
"Y/N, how long have you been listening?" Oliver asked and you giggled which was heard by all that was currently in The Bunker.
"Uhm...don't be mad at me Ollie, okay?" You said in quiet innocent voice which Ollie smiled a bit at after hearing it. You saw Ollie shake his hand and made that gesture that he always does whenever you think you did something wrong but didn't, well, not really. "I actually only activated my ladybug when I started missing home and that was like maybe three months after I moved but for today's conversation, I only started listening after Curtis finsihed eating his hotdog."

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