Wish Come True

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Jay Halstead x female!reader

Requested on Tumblr : Could we have a Jay imagine where he comes home to find reader (his wife) and Will drunk? Shes on the floor unable to move because of laughing and Will is upside down on the couch and around them are Jay's embarrassing photos?


You met the Halstead brothers when you first started working at Chicago Med as a cardiothoracic and trauma surgeon. You always wanted to go to Chicago so when you were given a job offer at Chicago Med, you took it in a snap. Later, you met the Halstead brothers when you and Will were taken hostage and the Intelligence unit and the rest of CPD helped in Will's and your rescue, mainly the Intelligence Unit since Jay was overly concerned with his brother's safety.

The next time you met Jay was when you went to Molly's for the first time. It was kinda your welcoming party to Med and well, you met everyone else there, even Freddy who ended up having a crush on you and would flirt with you every chance he could get so you grabbed a random guys hand for a chance to maybe get yourself out of Freddy flirting with you and you somehow dragged Jay into it and he happily played along.

Jay was impressed with the way you handled yourself when a gun was pointed at you during the hostage situation and he would catch himself watching you or looking for you whenever he got called in Med for some sort of policed business that Will would usually call him for. He didn't mind that you used him as an escape plan to get away from Freddy, the sketchy guy working at Molly's who Joe was trying to get out of the gang life.

Anyways, after a few months of dating, Jay finally asked you to be his girlfriend and then about three years later, you and Jay tied the knot. And Jay couldn't be any happier than he already was, alla that was left was for the two of you to start a family.

At present time though, about two years later of a happily married life, you and Jay have been through a lot but the two of you still is going strong.

Jay was at work, finishing some paper work. Today was a slow one for the Intelligence unit which is rare and he was able to catch up with all his paper work.

Meanwhile, you were just getting off work after a 16hour shift, a 12hour shift that kept extending as you had many surgeries to take care off. You were just about to walk towards your car when Will was also just getting off work. Will was somehow able to invite himself for the two of you to bond since, well, ever since you got married to Jay, you spent less time with one of your closest friends and Will missed hanging out with you. You were a totally fun girl to be with and just the type of girl he would want to be with his brother and he was so happy when you and Jay got together coz for him, you and Jay was a match made in heaven.

So, hanging out with just the two of you is what you and Will did. You made dinner and made sure that you placed Jay's portion in the microwave so he can heat it up once he got home. Will found your stash of wine and he brought some beer for himself and the two of you just caught up.

Well, until Will started telling you all about their childhood and all the crazy shit that they did as brothers. Of course, it was rare for you to hear about Jay's childhood so you took the opportunity to just listen. It was just a bonus when Will found a hidden photo album in your house which contained both Will and Jay's childhood pictures.

You pulled the album to your lap and carefully looked at each picture. You always wanted to see how Jay was when he was younger and this was that chance.

That was how Jay found you when he got home. He could hear his brother's voice and he went to investigate. He loved the fact that you and Will got along really well, even the best of friends, but you and Will together usually ended up in disaster and a disaster it was. Jay looked around the living room of the house you and Jay bought together, the perfect place for the two of you to start a family.
The living room was a mess. Beer and wine bottles and chips were scattered around. Will was hanging upside down on the couch and Jay wondered how his brother ended up that way especially with his tall height. Will was rambling about some childhood story and from the sounds of it, it was the time when Jay first went out to play in the snow and got his tongue stuck on a lamp post because Will was able to convince him that the lamp post tasted like grapes. Yes, he was a sweet innocent child but was ruined by his oldet brother.
Joking aside, Jay found you curled up on the floor from Will, shaking. Jay was of course worried but when he went up to check on you, he only found himself sighing. You were shaking so hard from silently laughing at what Will was telling you or probably even the other stories that he wasn't able to hear.

Jay carried you upstairs and into the masterbedroom that you both shared. He made sure you were tucked in properly. You had fallen asleep after Jay carefully carried you in his arms. Jay only bothered to cover Will a blanket so his brother won't freeze and started cleaning up the mess that the two of you managed to make.

Judging by the number of empty beer and wine bottles, you and Will would probably be suffering from a major hangover the next day and he would have fun teasing you and Will. After cleaning up, Jay went to check on you and then went to eat his dinner. Leaving food in the microwave became a thing for the two of you whenever the other would come home late and it just stuck since it worked for the two of you especially since the two of you had hectic work schedules.

Jay made sure you were warm and toastie in bed and prepared a glass of water and some pills for your headache when you wake in the morning. Jay kissed your forehead and wrapped you protectively into his arms as you nuzzled into his chest and fell asleep.

Jay fell asleep with a smiled on his face as he imagined spending the rest of his life taking care of you and growing old with you. A life that was all he wished for and he got his wish.

Jay Halstead ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now