Proud Father

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Requested by shelbyroseg : You and Jay have your baby and he's super excited to be a dad that when they aren't doing to much at work, he always shows his baby off.

Jay Halstead x female!reader


"Jay, baby, come home early if you can. We need to talk."

That was the voice message you left your husband's inbox when he got back to his desk after a hard day's work. Jay Halstead sat at his desk and took a deep breath. It was never a good thing whenever someone says that cliche line We Need To Talk.

"Hey, good work today guys. Go home to your families. Get some rest." Hank Voight told his team and went back into his office.

The Intelligence team one by one stood up to leave after finishing their own paper works. Some went to Molly's while others went home to their families.

Jay felt nervous. He was beside himself all the way home, kept thinking about what he could have done wrong or if he had missed some special occassion or what not. He even stopped by a flower shop and got your favorite flowers to maybe soften the blow of whatever you two had to talk about.

Meanwhile, you were at home. You've been feeling a but under the weather the past days but never said anything to Jay because you didn't want him to worry. So you scheduled an appointment for a check up which resulted to your doctor telling you about your pregnancy. 8weeks long and the baby developing nicely.

You were beyond happy at the news. You and Jay have been talking about starting a family and now you can. You had asked your doctor for to print out two copies of the picture of your baby in your womb. One for your fridge and the other for Jay.

When you got home after the appointment, you immediately cooked you and Jay's favorite celebratory go to food and drinks. Then you got one the empty frames and placed one of the copies in it and hid it behind a pillow on the couch.

Later, Jay slowly got into your house. A house the two of you bought after a year of marriage. Now, you've been living in said house for about five years.
"Baby, I'm home!" Jay shouted once he set down his keys and placed his jacket in the hall closet. He thought that everything was normal. The house smelled great and he could tell it was both your go to food when you both feel in need of celebration. He also noticed the candles littered around that made the place look more romantic.
"Come here, babe!" You responded back and Jay took a deep breath before going into the living room where you were seated on the couch, waiting for him.

"Hey, how was your day?" You asked as you saw your husband with his hands behind his back.
"It was fine. We closed a case, no one was hurt and everybody got home safely." Jay said and then he showed you the bouquet that he brought with him.

Since you were pregnant and you hormones were all over the place, you ended up crying. You were touched that Jay was being sweet and bought you your favorite flowers. It was a nice touch since its a night of celebration for the two of you.

Jay was at a loss. You're not really the type to cry just because someone gave you flowers. He has given you flowers before and you never really cried except for really bad romantic movies and animals movies.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jay asked as he wiped your tears away.
"Ugh. I'm sorry. Nothing is wrong." You told him as you laughed, you felt weird crying because your husband gave you flowers.
"Are you sure?" Jay asked, wanting to make sure.
"Yeah, but um, I went to have a checkup today coz I've been sick the past days and I never told you because I didn't want to worry you while you were at work."
"Well...are you ok? What did the doc say?" Jay asked, now he was both nervous and excited at the same time.
"Jay," you said looking your husband in the eyes, "I'm pregnant!"

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