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Jay Halstead x female!reader

Requested on Tumblr: Yn and Jay fight and he exalts himself a little by scaring her, so he apologizes.

I wasn't sure if this was what you had in mind but I hope you like it!

Warnings: anger and insecurities, unedited

You and Jay have been dating for three years. Your relationship has had its ups and down but the two of you are always able to work it out whatever the problem was. But recently, you had noticed something change in him or something. You just couldn't put your finger on what it was but you knew that either something changed in your relationship or Jay was hiding something from you. You were always close to Erin and Hailey and you have been asking them recently what was up with Jay but they don't tell you anything but you knew that they knew what Jay was hiding.

Jay has actually been planning to propose to you for awhile now. He knew you have been suspicious of him the past weeks and he knew he needed to move things into motion asap coz he knew that you're about to reach your limit about all him being secretive.

And Jay was right. It took you about another week before you exploded on Jay and he knew he had it coming but he got frustrated. He had gotten a call from his brother, Will, asking him when he was gonna propose to you because you were already suspicious and getting all the wrong and weird ideas in your head. Jay was cautious when he got home from work that day to your shared apartment. He found you in the bedroom, phtographs scattered around you and you were crying with a glass of wine on your side. When you saw Jay walk in, you took a sip of your wine and asked him, "Are you still happy being with me?"
Jay was shocked into the next century. He couldn't fathom why you would think he was no longer happy with you. But then again, it took him a really long time to propose to you even if he was ready for a few weeks now. He just got really nervous and whenever he would want to ask you, he would get side tracked by looking at you and just watch you being you then the opportunity would pass and he would need to build up his courage again. When Jay didn't say anything, you started pouring out all your insecurities like:
"Jay, are you cheating on me?"
"Did you finally find another woman that would satisfy your needs?"
"Is she more beautiful than me? Or is she curvier than me? I know you like your woman with curves..."
"If you want, I'll change? But then, I wouldn't be me.."
"Are you going to break up with me now?"

When you said the last bit, Jay exploded on you. It was to the point that you freaked out and you crouched down and curled into a ball on the floor and hid yourself from him. When Jay saw you so vulberable, he calmed himself and crouched in front of you.
"I'm not breaking up with you, Y/N. I'm sorry if I've been sketchy the past weeks but I was actually planning a surprise for you. I wanted to do something special for you and because we haven't been able to spend time together because we both were busy with work. I love you, Y/N and I am very much still happy being your boyfriend so if you'll still have me, would you go out with me tonight?" Jay asked you and you looked up from your curled up form.
You sniffled a bit and tears were still streaming down your face which Jay wiped away as he looked at you with loving eyes.
"You still want to be with me?" You whispered and Jay nodded. "Yes, Y/N. I still want to be with you and that will not change. I love you too much to stay away, baby."
Jay helped you stand and the both of you sat on your shared bed. You pulled Jay into your arms and finally relaxed. His warm body, his strong arms and his masculine scent always relaxed you.

You pulled away after a while of hugging and looked at Jay. You truly loved him and it would hurt you very much if ever the two of you break-up. Your sniffles continued but you no longer had tears in your eyes. Jay watched you and couldn't help but promise to himself that he would definitely be proposing to you tonight. He can't have you thinking about anything about your relationship being over because it was actually the total opposite.
"Jay?" You said in a soft voice and he looked at you.
"Yes baby?" He replied and put some of hair behind your ear.
"Are we still going out tonight? What should I wear?" You asked and Jay smiled.
"Wear something fancy, baby. I fixed up a special surprise for you tonight." Jay told you with a genuine smile that you loved so much.
"Okay. I'll get ready now then. What time are we leaving?"
Jay looked at his watch and looked at you, "Be ready by 8pm, baby. I'll get ready in the other room, alright?" Jay said and kissed your forehead.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Jay."

And the night was perfect for the both you but that's another story altogether. Just know that you and Jay lived happily crazy ever after.

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