Sweet Nothings and a Storm

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"Hey Guys have you seen Ringo anywhere? I can't find her.." Edd whined from the kitchen. Tom rolled his voids and took a sip from his flask.

"I saw Matt with her last time...Maybe go ask him?" Tord said looking up from his book. Tom peeked at the book. He made a disgusted face.

"Oh okay! Thanks Tord!" Edd then went upstairs to Matt's room.

With that Tom and Tord were left alone. Tom decided to speak.

"Tord why do you even read that stuff? It's disgusting.." Tom said with a small grin trying to piss the Commie off. Tord however just shrugged, he didn't really wanna fight with Tom, not right now, he just wanted peace and quiet for once.

Taking his phone and earphones out he played some music. Tom was shocked at this behavior so he kept quiet and watched documentaries on the TV.

A quiet atmosphere took over, Tom was quite relaxed at this and decided to read a book as well. So Tom stood up and got a random book from a nearby shelf then sat back down on his spot on the couch.

Tord stood up and went to the kitchen then looking at the backyard he noticed the rain pouring, he just shrugged it off and took a nice hot cocoa then went back to his spot on the couch.

Tord also noticed the quiet and calming atmosphere which was rare between Tom and himself, so he turned off the music and put the earphones in his hoodie pocket

Having a calm atmosphere with Tord is nice..I like it Tom thought to himself having a soft smile. Tord saw this and had a faint pink spread across his face, not even him noticed. It's just that it's rare for Tom to just actually smile.

The rain outside got harder and this got to Tord, he wasn't that fond of thunderstorms, it just brings back many unwanted memories from his childhood. This sent shivers down his spine.

There was a flash of light, Both of them knew what was going on. The difference was just one was scared and one was calm. Suddenly there was a crash of sound.

That must have been close Tom thought to himself, just then he heard a squeak like a human sound of 'eep'

Tom turned his head to Tord, which was the only other person in the living room.

"What's wrong Tord? Scared of thunder?~" Tom said in a teasing manner, grinning, he put his book on the table and scoot next to Tord.

Tord however does not think this is funny, memories of that day was flooding his head. Tord started tearing up, he couldn't hold it in anymore. Tom on the other hand panicked, Tord never cried or showed any weakness to his friends.

"Tord, I was just joking. Stop being a crybaby" Tom kept his cold tone but deep down he wanted to hug the Commie.

Tord stayed silent more tears spilled. Being called a 'crybaby' brought back his elementary days memories when he was being bullied.

"Stop crying Commie. It's just thunder." Tom sipping smirnoff from his flask.

"J-just stop o-okay? I know it's just thunder..but i-it brings me back memories..you're just making it worse with your name calling.." Tord mumbled, more tears spilled, just then Tord felt a hand on his back.

Tord looked up to see Tom, calming him down by applying circling motions on his back, weird for Tom to do this, but nonetheless it worked Tord's breathing eased.

"Wanna talk about it?..I'm sure it's none of my business but I can keep a secret" Tom softly said, giving Tom the cocoa.

Right then and there Tord told Tom everything, why he's scared of thunderstorms.

Well Tord had loving parents, yeah he had loving parents. Tord's dad was a leader of an army, but he was still the loving, caring, sweet and happy dad for Tord. But when he was 6 years old, 1st grade of elementary, he was kidnapped, the kidnappers bought him to where his father was, both of them were tied to a chair, his dad had a blindfold on, and there was a thunderstorm happening.

After a few minutes of Tord's dad trying to calm Tord down there entered 3 men, they had masks on and some kind of uniform. They kicked Tord's dad many times and called him a soft and weak leader, Tord watched all of this, terrified. A few moments pass by and the torturing got more aggressive, Tord was crying at this point.

A few claps of thunder made through. The last thing he remembered his dad was saying "I love you my Tordie, please be who you are and never forget Daddy, okay?" After those words a gunshot rang as well as the boom of the Thunder blending in.

"T-tord..I-I'm sorry.." Tom whispered having tears in his voids.

"I-It's o-okay..y-you didn't know.." Tord hugged Tom. Tom was shocked at this but kept cool and hugged back, besides the norsk was in a fragile state.

The two stayed like that enjoying each other's company, everytime there's a clap of thunder Tord would cling onto Tom tighter and Tom would just whisper sweet nothings in Tord's ear to calm him down things like "it's okay" "You're safe now" "You have Me" "Everything's okay" Tom would say in a calming tone.

Tom and Tord ended up snuggling on the couch peacefully asleep in each other's arms.

Morning came, Edd walked downstairs to make breakfast, but he was surprised on what he had seen on the couch, Tom and Tord curled up to each other peacefully asleep. Edd had a grin plastered upon his face and he took photos.

"This is for blackmail to the both of you" Edd whispered to himself, grinning. Then he left the two alone making breakfast.




THis is my first oneshot in my first book! IDK if it's cliche but you sweets decide!

If you want to request something don't be shy to ask! I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night!

Word count: 1037 words

Stay sweet, sour, spicy or salty!! Love you all, Bye!!

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