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Uma: You know, after getting yourself into so many situations with your butt involved especially more than any other body part, I have made the executive decision to name your behind.

Evie: Okay... I don't think I've gotten into that many situations with my behind.

Mal: You have. Trust me, you have.

Evie: Name one!

Mal: Okay. Your butt got stuck in the child's tunnel at the festival. When we visited a farm, the goose kept biting your butt because it's an enormous target... Oh, and my favorite! You-

Evie: Okay, okay! So I've had a few issues. But everyone does!

Uma: Indeed. Anyway, proceeding with my nomenclature ceremony.

Uma: Genevieve Catarina Queen, I hereby pronounce your non-royal booty as... Dawn.

Evie: ...

Evie: That's surprisingly not bad.

Mal: *glaring at Uma* Yeah, especially considering she named mine Bertha.

Uma: *singsonging* Oh, but there's an explanation!

Evie: Oh, no...

Mal: Do tell.

Uma: You know how it feels when you get up really super early in the morning and you're all like, "Good grief, sun, go back where you belong! You big ol' piece of-"

Evie: Yeah, but where are you going with this?

Uma: What's a common nickname for really early in the morning?

Evie: ...

Evie: Dawn? But the morning's just morning and there's really no bad reason to call my behind that unless you're referring to the feelings about morning.

Uma: Well, you're on the right track so try again.

Evie: ...

Mal: OH!

Mal: *bursts into laughter*

Evie: *still thinking* ...

Uma: It's the crack of dawn.

Evie: *eyes widen*

Mal: *in the floor laughing*

Evie: That's just disrespectful.

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