Sometimes even I don't know what to do...

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The next day I woke up to find my phone completely blown up by Caleb, 7 missed calls, 10 texts, even an email. I thought about it for a minute, but I was still kinda upset about last night and wasn't quite sure if I could handle talking to him or not yet. I ended up calling Sophia, she always knows whats to do at times like these, but sadly after 3 rings I got sent straight to voice mail, I left her a voice mail and decided to get up and ready for the day.

I went into the bathroom and proceded to brush my hair, it currently was looking like a lions mane. Some people don't understand the sadness that having straight hair is, the only time you have volume in your hair is when its super tangled and looks like a giant birds nest on top of your head, don't get me wrong, I love my hair, but sometimes I wish it was naturally curly. I hate actually having to do my hair, it seems like a waste of time to me to actually take out my curling iron and curl my hair. I know, I'm weird, but hey, ya gotta love me for who I am!

I got dress and then walked downstairs and poured myself a glass of milk, I was pouring my cereal when my phone started blasting my ring tone, it startled me so much that I ended up dropping the box of cereal on the ground.

"Shit!" I muttered under my breath.

Now I have a mess to clean up I thought as I answered the phone.

"What?" I say into the phone, it comes out a lot harsher than I meant for it to.

"Wow someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today. I should be the one asking you that, you're the one who called me and woke me up."

"Opps? Sorry hun," I reply to Sophia, but its already 11, I just figured she would have already been awake, I guess I'm just so used to texting Caleb in the morning I forgot most people sleep until the afternoon, remembering why I had called originally I say, "Caleb's been calling asking why I left early last night, what do I say? I've been thinking about it and I don't really have a reason to be upset, we aren't going out or anything-"

It's then that she cuts me off, "Like hell you aren't allowed to be angry, of course you are, he was with another girl the SAME DAY he told you he loves you, what kinda asshole does that? The only thing is-"

This time I cut her off, "But we aren't going out, for all I know he said it in a friend kind of way, who knows? And I still don't have the right to say anything about the girl he was with, if I had met a cute guy at the beach yesterday I probably would have done the exact same thing in the end, right? So how am I allowed to be a hypocrite? I shouldn't be angry, but I am." I took a short pause, "Should I talk to him about it? Or should I just pretend I never saw it happen and ignore it all together and just tell him I wasn't feeling well?"

After a long silence she finally replied, "If I were you I would talk to him about it, but knowing you, you wont do that. Plus you still want him as your chambelan de honor (main escort) for your quince (hispanic girls 15th birthday party). So its really up to you what you do, either way would work out, but it may make things a little tense for your party."

Call me selfish and bratty, but I really wanted my party to go well, its my cotillion party after all, who wouldn't want theirs to go well? One of my friends once compared quinces to weddings without the groom, I think that's the best way to describe it that I've heard, I already have my dress and my court and I have been practicing our dances every weekend for the past 2 months. We're all really excited! One of my friends, Jess, was asking me why I was having a quince in July when my birthday was in December, my reply to her was simply, it was cold then and its warm now. So sure, my party is closer to my 16th birthday than my 15th one, but hey its whatever, I'm late for EVERYTHING, just ask my teachers.

"I'm not gonna tell him, not yet at least, I'll wait until after the party to see if it still is bothering me then, if so I'll ask him about it then, if not then its all good."

"Great, now if we're done here, I've got a dream with Taylor Lautner to finish and you've got a guy to call! Good night hun, love you!"

"Love you too!" I barly managed to say before the line went dead, I chuckled to myself, Sophia and her sleep, its something you don't want to mess with.

After I finish cleaning up the mess I had made in the kitchen I sat down to eat my breakfast and its then I decided I finally would text Caleb.

"Hey sorry, I just woke up! I had a really bad headache and I had Sophia drive me home when I could find you."

I get migraines quite frequently, really bad ones at that, so it made sense to write that, its better than saying "I saw you with another girl, care to explain?" Its just a white lie that saves a lot of drama from happening.

After about 2 bites of cereal I got a text back, "Oh ok, sorry about that, I was playing football with the guys, I hope your feeling better now! Are you up for hanging out at my place later? ;P"

At this point I have no clue what I want to do, should I go or stay home? I already know my dad will be back from the store any minute, he left a not on the fridge saying he went out for eggs, bread, and lunch meat, which meant he just wanted to get out of the house and have social interaction with the real world, which I don't blame him for, hes been cooped up in the living room on his laptop looking for job for almost 3 weeks now, hes applied at a few places but no responses yet, we're keeping our fingers crossed for something though.


The sudden loud noise startles me, and then my dad barges through the door, the next thing I know my mouth starts talking without me even realizing what I was saying until after it was said.

"Can I go over to Caleb's house? He wanted me to watch a movie with him and Andrew. You remember Andrew right? Caleb's little brother, he's like 5-" At this point I realize what I was saying and stop myself midsentence. My dad doesn't seem to notice, instead he just automatically says yes and asks me when I'm supposed to be there so he can "clear his schedule" to drive me the 8 minute drive to Caleb's house. I laugh and tell him I need to be there at 1 and I head up to my room to put on some makeup and text Caleb I'll be there at 1 and he better have food ready for me.

A/N: I ended up rewriting parts of the first 2 chapters, so if you haven't reread them I would suggest it, you don't really have to if you don't want to, but hey its up to you.

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