Hothouse Flower

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A hothouse flower is a flower that isn't hardy enough to grow under natural conditions. It has to be pampered and grown in a greenhouse or hothouse. In regards to people it's used to describe someone who needs pampering or special conditions. It doesn't exclusively mean high maintenance, but, needing special circumstances on some level to flourish, grow, be happy, or stable.

Let me tell you, if I had to compare anyone in my life to a hothouse flower, it would be Caleb. As much as I love the guy, he can be a total ass if he doesn't get his way. I didn't know him when we were little, but my best guess is he was the kind of kid who would throw a fit if his peas touched his mashed potatoes. No matter what I do lately it seems to set him off after hanging out yesterday I have no clue how to react, he suddenly seems to be bipolar.

So yesterday I got to his house about half an hour later than planned because I was cleaning my guinea pigs cage and wanted to make sure they were fine before I left for his house. It seemed like no big deal to me, he's been late to plans with me too, but the look on his moms face when she opened the door automatically told me something was wrong. So it turns out that Caleb had left about 20 minutes ago to do homework with some friends from school. He told his mom he would be home in about and hour so she never thought anything of it until my arrival and apology for being there late. At which point she apologized on his behalf and assured me it must have slipped him mind. No worries though, I honestly didn't mind him not being there, the more time I go without seeing him the better in my opinion. So yes, I am still upset about the other night, but who wouldn't be, your best friend who you have casually been hooking up with tells you that he loves you and a few hours later is tongue wrestling with another girl. Although it did tick me off when he finally got home and was angry that cut his visit with his friends short, I was about to snap at him when he finally realized the ass he was being and apologized for it all. So Caleb can be difficult and the worst person ever sometimes, but when he wanted to be forgiven he would do anything until he accomplished what he wanted, seems like how everything works for him. He bats his lashes or throws a tantrum until someone gives him what he wants, he does what he knows will work on you. He can have a difficult time being mean to your face, but his actions speak louder than his words.

After Caleb and I finally were cool again we decided to watch a movie, he ordered us a pizza and we sat down on the couch and watch a transformers movie. If you were to ask me which one it was I would be forced to tell you that I honestly have no clue, it just doesn't have Megan Foxx, thats about it. After the movie I texted my dad to come pick me up, he told he he would be there in half an hour, Caleb and I decided to head up to the third floor of his house, now I know I said he wasn't rich, which compared to almost everyone I go to school with is true, but Caleb does still have a larger house than me and his family is pretty well off compared to mine. All of a sudden I feel a hand slipping up in between my thighs, I whip around and see a grinning Caleb. Honestly what is up with this boy, he purposely ditched me at his house just a few hours ago and now he wants to hookup? What?

"Um my dads gonna be here in a few, I don't really think we have time hun." I say casually trying not to show my confusion at all his mood swings lately.

"We have about 20 minutes and thats more than enough time for me to get you off." He said winking.

I was left speechless at his reply, the next thing I know I'm laying on his couch and I have no clothing on the lower half of my body.

About 25 minutes later i hear my phone go off across the room Caleb sighs and gets up, fixing his clothing as I get dressed and grab my phone reading the text from my father saying he's outside. I tell Caleb bye and that I'll see him at practice tomorrow and I tell Mrs.King goodbye as I leave. I take a shower as soon as I get home and decide to stay home the rest of the day and have some time to myself.

A/N: Short chapter, but a lot of them will be short during the busy parts of my school year, I'm currently a junior in high school so I have way too much homework everyday and weekends I spend taking ACT and SAT prep classes, doing homework and trying to have a little bit of a social life, plus my clubs and extra curricular activities are starting up this week so that will be taking away from writing time too, but I figured short chapters once or twice a week is better than nothing, right?

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