Chapter 6: Monster Hunters

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Lia sensed it was coming and as she squeezed her eyes shut, a sharp pain, like a volcano erupted at the back of her head, causing her to wince. It was followed by a medley of pain blossoming throughout her body and it started on her chest. Back. And even on her leg. It was as though she had fallen under the spell of a cycle of suffering, a cruel repetition of pain that seemed to have her in its grip. However, it was the sudden halt of approaching hooves plunged her into a silence as she found herself engulfed in boisterous laughter of men. Her eyes snapped open and her trembling fingers clawed into the soil, as if trying to unearth the excruciating pain and anger within her. While their laughter ceased as they dismounted from their horses, each step mirroring her heartbeat hammering in her chest. With her lips tightly pressed together, she ignored the pain coursing through her and her gaze was fixed on the star-studded canvas of the sky, avoiding any contact with the first man who closed in on her.

"How does it feel to realize that, Fethidlor, your homeland shall soon be ours?"The man smirked, his words oozing with a triumph he seemed eager to flaunt, yet, she refused to engage, choosing to fixate her eyes on the sky above and immersing herself in her own contemplations. The lack of response caused him to furrow his eyebrows and instead, responded with a cruel kick to her stomach as if he was stomping on crumpled paper.

Lia winced in response and curled up in pain, and the man raised his foot once more. No matter what, I will fight. She kept saying to herself and with her trembling hands, she scooped up a handful of mud and hurled it at his face. All while she managed to push herself up, fighting against the relentless pull of gravity and gritted her teeth while extracting the arrow lodged in her chest and her trembling hands clenched with determination as she limped away from them.

"Get her!" he ordered, his face twisted as he wiped the mud from his face. And the second man smiled as he closed in on her with his big steps. His grin broadened as his hand clenched onto her hair, wrenching a sharp cry of pain from her lips.

"Stop it." she mumbled, her voice trembling with fear and anger as her fists balled up and her tears welled up in her eyes. "Stop-"

"Hush." The first man whispered, attempting to silence her by pressing a finger to her lips. And yet, Lia bit down hard on his finger, eliciting a groan of pain from him. "Hold her." He ordered his accomplice as he slapped her with his heavy hand and she could taste the metallic tang of blood that filled her mouth as it hit her lips. "Tight." And the second man gripped her hair so tight, it could even break her neck while also securing her hands behind her back.

"Perhaps you want some amusement before your demise,huh?" The first man smirked again, lowering himself to grip her jaw. But his smirk faltered, with his eyes locking onto hers as he saw a fleeting glint of silver within as if an unknown force seemed to tug at him. The first man unsheathed his sword, its cold steel tracing an invisible path across her face before descending toward her vulnerable neck and a smile curled upon the man's lips but fear crossed on Lia's face. She swallowed hard, her wide eyes still fixated on the sword before her. "Just for once." He said as if every word was laced with malice while his eyes lowered to her chest. "Or this sword. What do you want?" His firm voice turned into laughter shared with his companion, as they found amusement in the vulnerable woman they held captive.

Help. Another word she could have ever thought but instead of that, she unleashed a blood-curdling scream for help, each cry echoed through the air until a chilling droplet of blood trickled from the sword, its warmth chilling her to the core and a sharp intake of breath was heard from her as she saw the blood came from her neck. And she opened her mouth, attempting to scream and yet, her voice remained imprisoned, unable to break free. All she could manage was to shed tears, each drop a silent wish to break free from this hell.

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