New Bot

537 15 3

(Time Skip)

Stardust's POV.

I was sitting down as my Carrier cleaned me in her beast from. I sigh "Is this really necessary Carrier? I'm not a pup anymore, I don't need help cleaning myself." I said as she stopped "It's what we do sweetspark, besides I'm done." she turned to Moon he was also in his beast form. "Moon your turn." Carrier stood an grabbed him before he had a chance to run. "Carrier I don't need a bath!" he whined as she held him in places "Aww stop your squalling Moonbeam." she said as she cleaned him, he pouted as she chuckled.

I stand up, now I'm a couple of heads taller than Sire and Moon in his beast form is a couple feet smaller  than Carrier and in bot mode his as big as Sire. We've also increased our training, Moon has been working with Uncle Ratchet in medical, an with me I've been working on my fighting. I been wanting to go an help my pack out in the field.  I hate not being able to help them when there hurt, the last mission Carrier an Uncle Bulkhead got hurt, Bulk getting the worst of it. 

They both had to stay at base meaning that the team was down 2 fighters. I wanted to ask Sire if I could go on the next mission. "1,2,3, come on Bulk." I look down at Miko as she helped Uncle Bulk work his legs. He groaned "Why can't I just drive from now on?" Ratchet was about to answer but I beat him to it "Because your legs will atrophy if u choose not to use them Uncle." I said "She's correct Bulkhead." Ratchet added. He sighed an continued there exercises. 

"Hold up Raf what's that?" "It better not be another picture of Bumblebee." Ratchet said as I turn to them as Jack pointed to Raf's screen. "A cybertronion escape pod." "Here in Earth's atmosphere." Ratchet said. I stood beside Sire as a photo came up on the main screen "Autobot or Decepticon?" Arcee asked as she walked over "I don't know." Ratchet said. "In any event this merit investigation."  Sire said "Could be a trap and we're down 2 bots." Arcee stated 'This is my chance.' I thought "Actually" I gain there attention "You got me." I turn too Sire "With your permission Sire, I would like to join u on this mission." I said with a smile.

"Absolutely not!"  Carrier transformed an came over with a glare, I glared back "I want to help my pack, why won't u let me do that? What are you so afraid of?!" she was about to continue but Sire stopped us. "Y/N" we turn to him "If she wish's to help, let her." I look down at her with a pleading look "Please Carrier?" she looked up at me then down with a sigh of defeat. "Just be careful." I nuzzle her face "I will." I said as I went with the others.

When we got through I saw the pod not to far away.  Arcee wiped off some of the dirt to show the cons logo. "Its of Decepticon origin." Sire stated as I look inside "An the con inside blew his way out." I said as I stood an turn to them. Then all of a sudden blasters started to fire from behind us. I used my wing as a shield as I backed up. "All those cons came out of one pod?" Arcee asked  Ratchet stood by me "Humans refer to the phenomenon as a clown car." he said as he transformed his hands to blades.

 I lower my wing slightly to see a Insecticon ram into me. I roar as I fought it, in the end I grabbed its head an stabbed my tail throw its spark. I then throw it into another one that was on Sire. "In coming!" I turn to Arcee "Down in front!" I look to see a new bot jump over Bee an Arcee and started to take out the cons. "Friendly?" Arcee said as we watch the bot, he ended up shooting the energon that was leaking from the pod. "Fall back!" Sire yelled as we took cover.

"Yay! To hot for the cons!" I turn to the bot as he jumped down. "Torching that energon leak, pretty good plan right." I glare down at him "Except it wasn't your plan." I said he turned too me "It was a random shot that almost fried us to a crisp." He stared up at me with wide optics an stepped away from me "Your a predacon!" I roll my optics "Noo I'm a fish." I said sarcastically as Sire came over "Thank you fellow Autobot your...valor is to be commended." Sire said "I-I don't believe it your Optiums Prime, he's  Optimus Prime." the bot said excitedly "We know." the team said I just chuckle as Sire continued.

 "What is your name soldier?" The bot saluted him "Smokescreen sir." "Welcome to Earth Smokescreen." he held out his hand "It's an honor to be here." he said as he took Sire's hand. After we asked he a couple of questions we went back to base. When I got back Carrier ran up to me pulled my face down to hers "You alright my pup?" she asked as she looked me over. "Yes Carrier" she sighed in relief as Moon walked over in his bot form. "Got my first kill." I said with a smile "Nice" he said.

"I mean with you here an the predacons, hard can it be to end this war." I turn to Smokescreen as Carrier transformed an walked up with Bulk "A lot harder than you think young one." She said as she showed her her scars "This is how hard." Bulk added. After a moment before Miko spoke up "How about we let Jack show the Smoky around." I smile but I then bent over in pain "Stardust!" Carrier an Moon came to my side. I shrug them off "I'm fine, it's just a bruise." I said.

"Go rest Star." Sire said I sigh an node "Yes Sire" I said an ahead to my room. I turn to Smokescreen "It was nice too meet you." I said with a small bow "Same here." he said as I left.

Moonbeam's POV.

I watched the newbie an my sis closely. I smirk as I saw Star's tail moving in a certain pattern. I nudged Carrier, she looked at me "I think sis has a small crush Carrier." I whisper to her with a smirk.

I hope ya all like, it comment if ya all want more. And sorry it took awhile to get it done. 

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