Chapter 3

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Thanks for all the reads!

*Mack's POV*

We arrived at the airport and went straight to Starbucks. I got the Caramel brulée frap, nd sipped it all up in about 5 minutes, Real white girl. They called flight 457 and that was us. I sat at the window seat and watched us take off and get farther away from my home town. I think about all the things that are gonna happen. Will I make friends? Am I going to make the volleyball and soccer team? Is everyone gonna hate me? But the more I thought the more tired I got. My eyes got heavier and I drifted off the sleep.



I woke up to us landing but I didn't want to get up, but my sister literally pulled me out of my seat.

The car ride on the way to our new house was awkward and silent. Until my mom broke the silence.

"Girls did I tell you how big the house was?" She said with a lot of excitement

"Nope" my sister and I said in unison not sounding to excited

But once we pulled up to the house our mouths dropped. "Mom this house is amazing! It's way bigger then the one back at home!"

"You are home" once she said that my sister and I raced into the house to find our rooms. I found the biggest one and dropped my bags and jumped onto my new bed. The ceilings were high, dark brown hard wood flooring, huge walk in closet, and the best of all. A balcony with a view of the lake.

Madison walked into my room shocked at probably how big it was. "No this isn't happening my room now get out!"

"Nice try I'm here and I got here first this is my room!"

After fighting for about 15 minutes she finally gave up and I won! My room.😈😂

I started to unpack my stuff when I heard yelling from the backyard. I walked out on my balcony and saw three boys playing soccer. (My sport!) All shirtless. Dang I'm in heaven. I thought to myself.

After watching them for about 10 minutes one of them notices me.

"HEYY!" One yelled up.

He was kinda cute. He had abbs, long dark brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Once they came a little closer I thought I had seen these boys before. But I don't know where I had seen them.

"Hey I'm cameron. Cameron Dallas. The taller one says.

My heart dropped. You mean I am standing in front of the cameron Dallas.

"Hey I'm Nash and this is hayes!" The older one with blue eyes said. I wanted to faint but I just acted cool.

"Hey! I'm mackenzie but you can call me Mack. I just moved here from Arizona!" I said trying not to sound nervous

Hayes then finally spoke. "Well nice to meet you and welcome to town! wanna play soccer with us?"

"Sure, can't wait to kick your butt." They all laughed.

"Ohhh I'm so scared!" Cameron said with a mocking voice of mine

I wouldn't be laughing. I was on varsity as and 8th grader and voted one of the best in our grade in the nation. I'm 14 btw"

"Me too!" Hayes said

"Yeah I knew that. Now don't cry after you get beat by a girl." They laughed again.

The teams were- nash and me then cam and hayes.

After winning 10 to 3 I laughed in there face and said. "Whose laughin now?!?" They just rolled there eyes.

"Your alright for a girl" cam said

I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah cause that's totally why I just dominated you." I said with a smirk.

"Dang girl got attitude!!" Said Nash. We just laughed then I heard my mom call out "hey Mack it's time for supper!"

I said bye to the guys and told them i can't wait to beat them another time.

As I walked away nash called back and Said "wait we need your number?!" After we all exchanged numbers I ran inside and ate supper Mac n cheese. Then when i was done I rinsed my bowl then sat on the couch and watched Netflix for the next few hours.

*hayes POV*

When the guys and I were messing around just kicking around the ball. I noticed this beautiful girl that was standing on the balcony of the new house that was just built. About the size of my own.

Once we talked and walked towards her she got more gorgeous every step I took. Hayes you have a girlfriend stop saying this stuff! But she is a jerk an has cheated on me 3 times! I was saying to myself.

I zoned out looking at how beautiful her greenish bluish eyes were. And the way her dirty blond hair reached her mid back. She was surely pretty. All I heard was

"hey! I'm Mackenzie but you can call me Mack. I just moved her from Arizona!" She said but she looked a little nervous

I spoke not really knowing what I was saying because I was staring at how tan a she was and the nice curves she has. (Haha what😂)

"well nice to meet you! And welcome to town! Wanna play soccer with us?"

When she said sure I got really excited on the inside but stayed cool on the outside

After she got done kicking our butts big time. Her mom called her in to eat. I got a little upset. As she was walking inside I told Nash to ask for her number. So he did once we exchanged numbers she ran inside.

"Ohhhh does little hayes like someone now?!" Cam yelled out. I just rolled my eyes and walked inside the house.

When I was done eating cereal I went upstairs showered and went straight to bed. Thinking about what tomorrow will bring! I hope I get to see Mack again! What am I even saying i don't really know her that well except her name, that she looks good, and is amazing at soccer!

Well maybe tomorrow can be the day where I get to know her! We can go jet skiing and tubing on the lake. After I was done talking to myself for about 15 minutes my eyes started getting heavier and I dozed off to sleep. Thinking about Mack.

Authors note:

Well she finally met hayes! Do you think they will hit it off or will hayes' girlfriend get it the way? Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far I think it's going pretty well!(:

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