Chapter 1

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"Thank you for the flowers," I murmured as I put the fresh roses in water. And they were gorgeous, full blooms and healthy stems. But no matter how many times I told Caleb that I preferred to leave plants alive he simply wouldn't listen. I received cut flowers from him almost every week which meant that I always had a vase sitting on my kitchen table.

"You're welcome," Caleb replied, settling himself on the couch by my father. "Who's winning?"

It was moments like these that made my heart hurt in my chest. Caleb had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Our parents were close so that meant I was with him the first time I fell off my bike and he was with me when he broke his arm skateboarding. We had given each other custom haircuts when we were seven years old. He had seen me with my first pimple and I watched him struggle to grow a beard.

He was the son of the alpha and I was the daughter of the beta. Our fathers spent an absurd amount of time together and our mothers got along well enough, happy to discuss being housewives. Even given the circumstances we had always been close, so close.

But long gone was the awkward teen with voice cracks. Now he filled out his clothing with toned muscles. Those kind blue eyes that I loved so much glowed with optimism and the hair that I had cut at one point was now long and full. He had grown up to be an incredible warrior and quite the stud. On top of all of that my family would adore him for eternity. He was going to be alpha, after all, what more could my father want for me?

And though we all expected it, he wasn't my mate.

It all seemed so cruel and twisted. I loved Caleb so dearly, more than I loved anyone else. My mother and father knew him almost as well as I did and I grew up with his mother and all three of his sister. He remembered little things about me, like my intense love for flowers, and he was so possessive of me when it came to dating.

The fact that we cared for each other so strongly but could not be together was the worst kind of torture I could ever know. I knew in my heart that there was a woman out there for Caleb. He was too kind and sweet to go without a mate. But knowing that I was not the one for him was excruciating. And thinking of him with another woman, someone who would take care of him and love him, made me sick. It should've been me. Hell, there were days when I was certain that we had been made for each other.

The moon goddess, the woman who decided which werewolves were mated together, must've hated me. I must've have done something wrong in my life if she wanted to keep me away from the only man I felt I could be with.

"Are you doing alright?" Caleb asked, coming into the kitchen. Apparently, his team wasn't winning.

I had meant to start cutting up the fresh loaf of bread to go with the chili, but I had gotten lost in my thoughts. Now I was just standing there with a knife hovering over the cutting board and foggy eyes.

"Yes, of course," I laughed, pushing my brown hair away from my face.

"You looked upset," he pressed, coming closer to me.

Like always, he could read me better than anyone else. It was almost impossible to hide anything from him.

But telling him what I was thinking about would only hurt both of us more. Like we didn't have enough reminders that we were perfect for each other.

"You can't lie to me," he stated. "Word is that Hades is making his rounds. You wouldn't want to face capital punishment for something as petty as fibbing, would you?"

At that I couldn't help but snort with laughter. "Hades is a myth and everyone knows that. Besides, I don't think that potentially lying to you would be grounds to murder me," I shot back as I sawed into the bread. Steam wafted out immediately.

"No? You don't think that there is a random, solitary wolf comes around and murders people from different packs for wrongs they have committed," he teased. 

A smile that I knew so well took over his face. For a brief second I wondered what it would feel like to have those lips curve up in that smile when I kissed him. He probably tasted like the mint of his toothpaste and would feel like heaven under my hands. My face flamed and I glanced away.

"Do you know anything about our pack or werewolves at all?" I countered, "My dad isn't even the alpha and he would slaughter any trespasser in a heartbeat. I can't imagine what you or your dad would do. If some rogue came in here and demanded to be allowed to murder one of us there would be war. And some rogue who is messed in the head wouldn't stand a chance."

"You're right. I've known your dad for years and I'd be terrified to just ask to date one of his daughters. Can you imagine what it would be like to oppose that man?" He faked shuddered and we both began laughing despite the fact that our ears and cheeks were burning bright pink.

"Dad, supper is ready," I called, hoping that something, anything, would take my mind off of how bad I wanted Caleb.

~~~Distraction Section~~~

Hey everyone! Welcome to my newest book. For those of you who don't know me I'm wonderstruckagain or K.M. Carnoky and this is the newest book in my werewolf series. Now, for the time being, I will be treated this book like my other books. I'm going to post a question every time I update in the effort to distract you guys a little bit while you're at home. 

Question of the Day: What animal would you want to be reincarnated as?

I'm a hard core horse lover which you will know if you read my other books, but they are actually not my favorite animal. I freaking love giraffes and I would love to be this tall, awkward beast that is both part adorable and strange!

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