Chapter 56

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Three days later I walked into my parents' guest bedroom where Sebastian was lying on the bed. He held a book in his hands, reading with his back against the wall and a cup of coffee squeezed between his thighs. He looked like an image of peace and I wanted to get out of this dress and curl up beside him.

His head came up when he heard me enter, but his trademark smile didn't appear. If anything, seeing me in a black dress with pin straight hair only made him grimace more. There was no room for floral print or wavy locks today.

"Why are you being so miserable?" I sighed, carefully lowering myself onto the bed beside him. "I thought you would be happy. This is a big step for you. The world is finally going to know the truth."

"I should be the one going out there, not you. They are going to rip you limb from limb. Denial is a powerful thing, Char. Remember what it did to you? Imagine how angry and upset people are going to get when they don't have all of these conflicting facts in front of them. You are going to be blindsiding them. They could really hurt you," Sebastian said, shaking his head. His book was tossed aside and the coffee was plunked on the nightstand. "That's it. I'm getting dressed."

As he moved to stand up, he winced. He might have had impressive healing rates normally, but the wound on his chest was intensive and still laced with silver. A couple days of bed rest had brought colour back to his skin, but he still had a massive gash over his heart. I refused to see him this hurt ever again. If he thought I was going to let him be a hero again he was fool.

"I swear to god, if you try and put on that button up shirt I will drive home and push all of your motorcycles off their kickstands and onto their sides. Imagine all the scratches and scuffs," I warned, grabbing his wrist.

The threat was useless. If Sebastian wanted something, especially in the lines of protecting me, he would take it no matter the cost. But something in my tone made him stop. When his amber eyes scanned over my face all he would've seen was frustration and decisiveness. I was doing this. Without him.

"They might go after you," he argued, but sat back down.

"I know that you see me as your mate, all soft and sweet, but remember that I tried to kill you, supposed lord of the underworld, okay? I'm not scared of going out there. People need to know. And these are my people. I'm the daughter of their alpha now. If that's not enough to keep them tame then I'm going to be standing right beside Ajax for most of it."

"This is my battle," Sebastian protested.

I cradled his head in both of my hands, smiling down at him before I pressed my mouth against his in a soft kiss. I could feel him melting under my hands.

"Let me take care of you for once," I whispered.

There was a heavy pause and I thought he would fight again. But Sebastian just nodded his head, his eyes still downcast. "If Ajax hits on you, I get to kill him this time, though."

I laughed and kissed him again.

But all of the laughter was dead and gone when I stood on the small stage on the community center. Most of my pack members filled the seats, but there were a few werewolves from neighboring lands that had been granted permission to come watch. The majority of the werewolves across the country would see this announcement live on television. And seeing the massive camera swiveling around my stomach was in knots.

"I'm surprised Sebastian didn't force his way out of that house," Ajax stated, watching the crowd move about with his hands folded neatly behind his back. His auburn hair was slicked back and a black suit hung off his large frame. He was just as somber and as serious as I was.

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