Chapter 35

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"There they are," Sebastian whispered in my ear as we strolled through the park. 

It had been about two weeks since I mentioned that I would like to meet his family. Now it was finally happening and I wished that I had just kept my mouth shut. Not that I didn't want to know more about him, but more for the fact that I hoped that they would know less about me.

I didn't think I was an awful person or even an unlikable one. I thought high enough of myself, I suppose, but meeting in-laws was always a terrifying experience. What if they thought lowly of me? What if they altered his opinion of me? It was less common in the werewolf realm because of the strength of mate bonds, but that didn't mean it couldn't happen. I could easily remember how much I had hated Sebastian because of false information. It could reasonably go the other way.

I was about to open my mouth and suggest we go back to the car, keeping my eyes on a man and woman seated on a picnic blanket. My words would've been invalid if they had come out because there was a loud shout, almost like a battle cry, and arms were wrapped around Sebastian's torso. An unseen opponent was trying to take him down to the ground as he let out a grunt, shifting his weight to stay upright.

"Seb!" I shrieked, my mind filled with all of the people he had wronged. Dear God, someone had ratted us out and now they were coming for him.

I didn't think. I lunged forward. I used my nails like talons, digging into the attacker's arms with all my might, hoping to draw blood and loosen his hold. When the arms stayed tight around my mate I decided the next best thing I could do was bite down.

"Hey, hey, easy," Sebastian soothed with a laugh, stopping me with my jaw unhinged and my teeth exposed. "Humans are looking, Char."

At his words I realized that he was right. My screaming had certainly drawn some attention. Thank God I had had the good sense not to shift at the first sight of danger. We would've been in a very different situation very fast.

Sebastian reached behind his back and did something I couldn't see that caused his attacker to his in pain. The arms released and there was a heavy thump on the ground.

"Charlotte, I would like you to meet my brother, Colin. Colin, this is my mate, Charlotte," he introduced. 

Colin was at least a few years younger than Sebastian. While I assumed Sebastian was in his mid to late twenties I had to guess that Colin was in his early twenties, maybe just fresh out of high school. While Sebastian had filled out his form completely with tight muscles Colin was thin and lean. He looked a lot like what I had seen in Sebastian's hockey photo, brown eyes, brown hair, so tall it was almost absurd. He was what Sebastian would've been if he hadn't been cursed.

"Nice to meet you," Colin grunted, managing to get back on his feet. "And thanks for not biting me."

"Oh my God," I gasped, clapping a hand over my mouth. Here I was, all worried about first impressions, then trying to physically attack his brother a moment later. I was certain it would take a year for all the warmth to leave my cheeks now. "I'm so sorry."

"All good," Colin replied, glancing away.

"I didn't hurt you did I? God, I'm such an idiot. Really, I am so sorry."

"It's all good," Colin repeated. "We all know the risk with him. I guess it's kind of comforting to know that he has someone who will try and defend him, but you should probably work on your tactics a little bit."

It didn't matter how dismissive Colin was of the fact that I would've broken his arms if I could've, I still felt awful. Sebastian saw the horror and distress in my eyes and tossed a comforting arm around my shoulders. 

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