Chapter 57

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"Like this?" my mom asked, watching Keiko's hands as the queen rolled her sushi with the bamboo mat. The four of us were standing in Sebastian's kitchen, my kitchen, trying to learn something new during our down time.

"Just like that," the queen praised, shooting her a smile. Then her went back to her work.

"Am I doing this right?" Sebastian asked, eyeing his...creation with concern.

Keiko, who had been the pinnacle of focus, narrowed her eyes on his abomination. Her fingers froze. In a very collected voice she said, "Sebastian, I think it might be best if you sit this one out with Ajax."

My mate didn't need to be told twice and almost looked relieved. He was mostly healed from my violent attack on him, but that wasn't enough to make him want to face off against a furious queen. He gave up on his mess of rice, nori, and tuna with a half-hearted shrug. 

Ajax just laughed and raised his glass from the dinning table, inviting him over. Putting together a puzzle meant for a young child might be better suited for the two of them.

"I know what is in that glass. It's not even three yet," Keiko snapped, glaring at her own mate now.

"Sweetheart, it's orange juice," Ajax replied smoothly. Clementine made a soft noise of frustration, staring down at her twenty puzzle pieces with clear frustration. "I could have seven glasses of this and still be able to help Clementine. Besides, it's all over. Don't we all deserve some down time and relaxation? You ladies get to cook and gossip together and Sebastian and I are building a puzzle and our relationship."

"I think orange juice sounds great," Sebastian agreed, digging through a high cabinet to pour himself a glass of vodka then topping it off with a splash of orange juice.

I rolled my eyes but completed my roll as best as I could. No wonder this was such an art form. It was surprisingly challenging to make something so simple properly and Keiko had shown me the dumbed down Americanized version. Apparently her mother could whip up Japanese traditional sushi like it was nothing. I could only state that I would never try making this with my own hands unless I had careful guidance.

After our sushi experience Keiko, my mother, and I all moved to the sitting room. I watched Keiko glance at Ajax, but when he tossed arm around Clementine and kissed her hair she smiled a little to herself. I just gave her a nudge.

"Are you sure you two are going to be okay?" my mom asked when I fell into the sectional. 

"I can always send Noah out again if you'd like?" Keiko added, perching on the edge of the couch like a proper queen. Too bad she was wearing the fuzziest socks I had ever seen and her hair was slicked back in a knotted ponytail.

"We are going to be fine," I stated. And for the first time in a long time I felt like it was true. 

After the announcement revealing Sebastian for what he was, we were all on high alert. We stayed in my parents' pack, just waiting for an attack to come. It never did, but the phone lines were blowing up. Everyone wanted answers more than anything.

My father suggested that we go back home with additional reinforcements to be safe. So, my parents, Sebastian's parents, two guards, and the king and queen came to occupy my house. Guest bedrooms that hadn't seen visitors in years were cleaned and dusted, the laundry was always running and someone was always hungry. But we were always safe. 

Now, we were able to take a step back and see the statistics. There had been reports of a couple minor uproars about the announcements. Teams had been dispatched to handle the situation and most of the time it was upset parents or children believing their loved on deserved justice. Counselling and advice were given, therapy was recommended, and crimes were carefully unraveled to keep the pain down to a minimum. The flames of hurt and revenge were extinguished as quickly as they came.

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