Chapter 50

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"He killed Caleb," the woman sang, her wide eye so sad. "He killed the only man you would ever love. You can never recover."

"I can never recover," I repeated, keeping my gaze latched onto her. She was the only person around. Hell, she was the only person in the world.

"He's torn up families, Charlotte. He's killed mothers and fathers. Sons and daughters. He's hurt so many. He's hurt you," she continued.

"I know. I will never recover."

"I don't want him to hurt anyone else," she whispered, her voice so full of emotion. She sounded like she was on the brink of tears.

No, I didn't want her to cry. I didn't want her to suffer. She was too perfect. I had to protect her. I had to do whatever she asked. She knew how to fix this. She knew how to undo my bonds to that vile, wretched man.

"He won't," I vowed. "I'll take care of him."

"You need to restore the blood debt," she added. "He has caused so much destruction. Killing him is the only answer. And you are the only one who can do it."

"I'll do it," I promised, swaying to the sound of her voice. How was it even possible for her to have a voice like that? Or a face like that? She couldn't be human. She was something holy. Something that I needed to respect and worship. Her words were law and I would follow them accordingly.

"You used to come here with Caleb," she murmured. "You two used to play in the water together when you were young. He held your hand here for the first time. He kissed your cheek here too, he told me."

"You've talked to him?" I gasped. "Recently?"

"Oh yes, he and I talk often," she assured with a stunning smile that was so white it was almost blinding. She must've been an angel. "He asked me to keep an eye out for you, to make sure you were safe and to help you get away from the murderer."

"Can I see Caleb?" I asked, my eyes already filled with tears at the prospect. "I miss him so much."

"Oh yes, Charlotte. That is why we are here. Once you have completed the task I will take you to him. You two can finally be together. That's what you always wanted. Hades filled your head with lies and tainted you, but you've always wanted Caleb. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, I love Caleb. I want Hades to die."

"Good," she whispered. I could barely hear her voice over the loud grunts and the movement of the leaves that filled the air. I hated that we were being interrupted. I kept my gaze on her. "Now you need to prove yourself to Caleb. You need to kill Hades."

I was so hypnotized by her that I didn't turn to face the noise until she gestured towards it. I swiveled my head.

And the first person I saw was my alpha, Caleb's father. His eyes were downcast and somber, but filled with determination as well. There was strength and pain in the way he held his body. He was mourning and avenging his son. He was doing what needed to be done.

I should've been the same way. But someone had twisted me away from the man I truly loved.

As if he could feel me thinking about him, Hades let out a feral snarl when the scent of his burning flesh hit my nose. Four men were one each side of him, gripping silver chains that were secured to his wrists and his ankles. Together, they lifted his large body and dragged him to the water's edge. Blood red eyes flashed from one face to the other in wild succession. He jerked his arms inward, causing the men holding him to stumble, but they never let up. When he realized that he wouldn't be able to win in his human form his back arched, like his wolf was trying to rip it's way out through his chest. But the silver was too strong, even for him.

Seeing him like this, so wild and out of control was disgusting. The woman was right, he needed to be exterminated. It wasn't safe to have him living. 

But how do you kill something that is indestructible?

"You bastards," he growled. "You can't kill me. Restraining me will only make this worse when I finally get my chance."

His voice made me sick. I felt my hands grip my hair and yank hard, trying to use the pain to distract me from the bile rising in my throat. 

"So power hungry, so violent," my alpha chided.

"Robert, have your men undo these chains and we will settle this like men," Hades bargained. "You wanted to get back at me for hurting your son. You forced my hand in coming here. You wanted this, so why fight it now?"

"I'm not fighting anything," Robert nearly purred. "I'm just doing what the werewolf community and the king and queen could never do." His voice was filled with 

"What are you talking about?" Hades barked. His head jerked back again, slamming into the dirt as his wolf tried in vain to shift through the effects of the silver.

"Charlotte, come here," Robert ordered.

"Go to him," the woman murmured, her voice filling my mind and the air. I shivered at the sound, like I was listening to a choir in an empty cathedral. "He will help you be with Caleb."

My feet carried me towards the cluster of men, my despicable mate, and my alpha, the man I was here to serve.

"Char, no," Hades rasped, his eyes still bright red but his body going limp. "Please, don't do this."

"Come here, my dear," Robert continued, talking over the vile sounds coming from my mate.

I inched closer willingly, staring at him with wide eyes. Whatever I needed to do to be with Caleb I would do. I was his servant now.

When Robert me presented me with a silver blade, using thick gloves to hand it to me, I knew what needed to be done.

"Right through the heart, Charlotte. Fast and clean. It's the only way to end this. You are the only one who can complete this task."

"I won't fail you," I promised. 

"I know you won't. For Caleb."

"For Caleb," I repeated.

I took the silver blade from him, not even flinching when it searing my bare hands. Nothing else mattered. I stood over the man who had ruined my chances at happiness with the silver dagger clenched tightly in my hands.

I raised it above my head and slashed down.

~~~Distraction Section~~~

Hello everyone!

You survived the dry spell, congratulations! And I reward you with a cliffhanger. But, in all actuality, I knew that if I took a hiatus after this chapter you would all pull your hair out. Now, because I'm a pigeon head and messed up my dates I'm doing my update today instead of Tuesday. Another update will come on Friday, as usual. 

What is the last show you binged and enjoyed?

I cranked out Fear City in one day and I'm hardcore into Unsolved right now. Both are available on Netflix if you are interested!

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