Chapter 30

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I dreamed of a woman in a white dress with gorgeous red hair while I snored on the couch. She was stunning and I just stared at her in awe as she told me everything would be okay, she would take care of me. I immediately trusted her. I had never seen a woman like her before but when my eyes parted I felt comforted, the the non-existent woman had made everything better.

Still, no dream would be enough to make me disregard the aches and pains that came from sleeping on a couch. I groaned as I sat up then took my time stretching, hoping that it would soothe my creaky shoulders and tight neck. It wasn't.

I ambled back to my bedroom and pulled on some jeans and a grey cardigan when I saw the clouds weighing down the sky outside. Oh well, another rainy day would do my plants good, like Hades had said. Still, something about the day made me feel the need to put on a swipe of mascara and attempt to fashion my hair into a cute style. It didn't work to I pulled it into two long braids like I usually did. Very suddenly I wished that I had Tabitha's desire for all things glittery and pretty. Maybe then I could make the woman in the mirror look less bland.

But no amount of makeup or fashion sense would stop me from being timid when I entered the kitchen, knowing I would find Hades there.

"Morning," I greeted, my voice coming out in a high squeak. I wished I could be Keiko then and be so indifferent to how handsome my mate was. She ruled the world so comfortably, like she knew others would stare and she didn't care.

"Morning," he replied with a cheeky smile. 

I felt my own grin tug at my lips but when he lifted a mug to his lips I saw the bright red marks around his wrist. Not pale, but fresh and angry. They were from last night. While I had been sleeping soundly on the couch he had been wrestling with demons and silver. Guilt and fear made me feel winded for a moment.

"So," he began, lowering the mug again. I snapped my eyes to his face, hoping he didn't notice my lingering gaze. "You know that I can't cook, but I think it's only fair that I provide breakfast today. Unfortunately, you're going to have to work for it."

"Work for it?" I repeated. 

He just nodded his head and indicated that I should follow him. We ended up in garage which made me a little pensive. The last time we had been here it was because we had fought. He had banished me temporarily and I had come back even more broken then before I left. But he didn't seem at all bothered and opened up the garage door.

And there, protesting against the grey sky was a bright blue bicycle. And it was fully equipped with a basket and bell.

"Oh dear God," I moaned, "You're going to make me bike to my food? Do you even know how long it has been since I've ridden a bike?"

All of the words tumbled out of my mouth with a hint of anger to cover up my anxiety and embarrassment. But when he put on a pair of runners I also shoved my feet in shoes and followed him outside to the bike. It was then that I noticed a second bike leaning against the siding of the garage.

"That's why I have this," Hades announced, revealing a bright blue helmet that had been hidden in the basket, bringing my attention back to him.

"I'm not wearing that," I denied. "And I'm not getting on that bike."

"That's fine. We can go back inside, but I do warn you that the only thing I can cook is scrambled eggs."

"You're kidding."


I rolled my eyes and stomped over to him, snatching the helmet out of his hands, but he just peered down at me with triumph clear on his face. And it was that look that made my tough exterior falter. The last time I had been on a bike I fell off and broke my wrist right in front of the country club. My mother had ordered me to get back on my bike because people were starting to stare as I screamed.

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