the (fake) fortune teller

592 19 4

Lol, that pic tho ><


Jounouchi, Yugi, (Y/n) and Akira was walking together to the school. Thanks to the late incident, Akira was began to opening himself at the gang, which make (Y/n) extremely happy. They walked side to side, (Y/n) in the center of Jounouchi and Yugi while Akira walk behind her.

"Aw man, I always get a bad luck lately!" Jounouchi grunt as he touched his swollen cheek, making (Y/n) glare at him.

"Don't tell me you got involved into another fight" Jounouchi only smile sheepishly and scratch his back head. " can say that. But I'm fine, I swear! I beat all of them, although they managed to land a punch on me.."

"What a moron" Akira mumbles as Jounouchi keep ranting. "But I can't believe this! I never get punched when I'm in fights! Oh man, I'm always having bad luck lately--"

Suddenly, a brake fell almost crashing Jounouchi and (Y/n), although Akira pulled his sister when that happened. The brake just fell right in front of Jounouchi, making he shiver.

"S-see! I'm in total bad luck!!" He yelled, afraid about what just happened. Yugi only smile nervously 'lucky me..'

Akira shivers when thinking what would happen if his little sister near the source of bad luck. Sweats dropping from his forehead like a waterfall as he freaked out. Jounouchi turn and notice the strange behaviour from the black haired boy. "Yo Akira? Bro, you alright?" He asks and stepped forward. Akira shook his head as he still shivering, hugging his little sister.

"Sorry Jounouchi.." suddenly, Akira lift (Y/n) and put her on his shoulder as he sprinted away. "But I can't let you near my sister today!!!"

(Y/n)'s face gets red as ripe tomato (Yuya here!) as she shouted "AKIRA, PUT ME DOWN!! EVERYONE CAN SEE TROUGH MY SKIRT!!"


"THAT'S NOT THE POIINNNTTTT!!" The voice soon faded as Akira left them behind in the trails of dust, making Jounouchi and Yugi sweat dropped. the two look at each other before laughing and proceed their way to the school although Yugi secretly keep a distance from Jounouchi.

(bruh, let's do time skip)

Anzu was trying to calm (Y/n) down as the said girl covered her flustered face with both of her hands making (Y/n) looks extremely cute. Akira already going to his class (actually, he's avoiding (Y/n)'s wrath tbh). When Jounouchi and Yugi finally came, (Y/n) still covered her red face, still embarrassed by the accident. Anzu approach Jounouchi and Yugi, asking them what happened to (Y/n). The blonde quickly told her what happened when they were on their way to the school.

Anzu laughs silently and decided to comfort (Y/n) with Yugi and Jounouchi. And no, luckily you're not get hit by Jounouchi's bad luck. That's what you thought until a random gust of wind blows your skirt.


And the days passed by nosebleed, shouting, and safe distancing from the source of bad luck.

(Time skip)

Jounouchi sulked in the corner of the room, since Anzu won't let him near (Y/n). Feel bad for him, Anzu sighed before decide to bring up a rumors she hears from her classmates.

"Hey Jounouchi..why don't you visit Kokurano from Class A? You know..since you believe in this kind of stuff. Maybe he can help you." Anzu said. (Y/n) frown upon her words. You don't know why, but you have a feeling if something is not right about him. But you shake your head, trying to get rid of your feelings.

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