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Sandy was extremely happy; he had six power cubes.

He had already got one kill, he had ambushed Rico from behind. That was two power cubes, plus, the map today was cavern church, and Sandy had spawned right next to three chests.

After he destroyed them, he kept walking and came across another chest, were Rico was.

He had killed Rico and kept walking until he had come to the middle of the map; a huge plain of grass, which was where he currently was.

Sandy was happy because of the power cubes, but also scared because in the bushes, the stronger brawlers ruled. For example, El Primo, Rosa, and especially Bull.

Luckily Sandy had his super ready from killing Rico. Sandy's super (for the people who don't play) is a sand storm that turns Sandy completely invisible.

Sandy lurked near the edge of the bushes in case he needed to make a swift escape.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Sandy suddenly saw a tiny movement.

Slowly he turned towards the area were the movement was, and saw Brock nervously looking around.

Brock looked very alert as well. He had a good reason to be nervous and alert as well; he had absolutely zero power cubes and his health was dangerously down.

Sandy had a strong temptation to ambush and kill him. But really, what was the point? Brock only would drop one power cube. And plus, Sandy would blow his cover.

Even thought Sandy was a legendary brawler, nobody was afraid to attack him. Especially relating to the fact that most of the time in battle, Sandy was half asleep!

Sandy decided to attack Brock even though all of the thoughts of regret.

As Sandy approached Brock, he was carful not to give away his position. If he did, Brock would escape.

Sandy would attack Brock but decided not to use his super because Brock was not worth it.

At this point Sandy was literally next to Brock. Sandy bit his lip to stop himself laughing, he could not believe Brock hadn't noticed.

He was about to three-shot Brock when he saw a terrible figure, looming down from behind him. It was Rosa, one of the most lethal tank/heavy brawlers.

Rosa is a dark skinned woman who is covered with leaves and plants.she punches at you like El Primo, except a much larger and wider range. She is well known for winning showdown matches, and is one of the best tanks in the field.

Sandy forced a smile.

"Heyyyyy Rosa ..."

Rosa grinned, she had never liked Sandy. "Time to die, sleepy boy," she said in her powerful voice.

Brock was watching frightfully next to them, nobody noticed him. He snuck carefully away, and when he was outside Rosa's range, he ran away screaming for his mummy.

Rosa frowned. "Well, I never saw him!" She exclaimed. "Doesn't matter, I'll catch him later."

In the brief moment of Rosa's confusion, Sandy had thought of a plan. He whipped around and summoned a sandstorm, making him practically invisible.

He lurched back from Rosa and and threw handfuls of sand at her, mowing down her health.

"How about this time, you die?" Sandy offered.

Rosa stomped her foot in complete frustration. As she didn't know where he was. All she could do was run, but she was on low heath now so Sandy would definitely give chase and kill her.

As Sandy got her down so much that all it would take to destroy her was one shot, he said:

"Say goodbye Rosa."

Rosa scowled. "Go get f**ked Sandy."

"Woah! Take a chill pill, bush head." Sandy said with a laugh.

"Just finish me already!" Rosa yelled.

"If you insist." Sandy said as he threw a last handful of sand at Rosa, turning her into a puddle of dark purple liquid.


Ahh, another chapter finished. There is more to come! I'm looking forward to writing it.

Again thanks for supporting me in this story, and I have got, Wait a sec ... two new followers! BowserBest and essnicee , who added all my books to her reading list: undiscovered gems. So shout out to them.

This chapter has over seven hundred words which is probably my longest chapter I've wrote. Comment if you like them shorter or longer.

*awkward silence*

Bye, I guess ... 👋

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