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Shelly was hiding.

Hiding in the bushes, waiting for the time to strike.

Shelly smiled, wondering about which unsuspecting brawler would come lumbering across the pathway, only to get their brains smeared across the sidewalk.

Shelly had her super. She could be beaten with her usual sawed off shotgun. But she was unstoppable with her super. Unstoppable, period.

Suddenly Shelly froze.

She heard footsteps coming her way. She army crawled across the ground, carful to stay well below the murky bushes that were shielding her presence.

The footsteps were coming closer. Shelly took a risky peek over the bushes and saw Piper prancing down the sandstone pathway while doing her makeup!

Shelly sighed. She was good friends with Piper.

'Maybe we could team,' Shelly said in her mind. She shook the thought out of her head. 'It would ruin my street rep to be seen with someone who does her makeup in the middle of a showdown match.'

Shelly snuck up to the very edge of the bushes, positioning her self so that when Piper came she could propel herself through the bushes towards her.

The time had come. Piper was approaching rapidly.

Shelly shot out of the bushes and cornered Piper.

Piper screamed and dropped the tray of multicoloured lipstick that she was carrying.

"Omg Shelly!" Piper squealed. "What the f**k was that for!?"

Shelly frowned thoughtfully. "Let's say it was for putting on your makeup in the middle of a bloody showdown match!"

"Well I need to look good," Piper said with a guilty smile. "Not like ... that," Piper added gesturing to Shelly's muddy clothes.

"Anyway, I'm sorry Pipes, but I'm gonna have to kill you," said Shelly apologetically.

"You need to what!?" spluttered Piper. "Oh well, if your going to shoot me, I'll let you, but at least don't shoot my head. I've spent ages doing my makeup, so I would appreciate it very much if you don't replace my makeup with led from your nasty shotgun."

Shelly nodded her head. "Okay," Shelly said. "But don't think I'm doing you any favours!"

Shelly lifted her shotgun up to Pipers chest area, loaded in the super, and pulled the trigger.

Piper let out a small yelp and dissolved into a puddle of dark purple liquid that all the other brawlers called the death elixir.

Shelly retreated back into the bushes, waiting for her next unsuspecting victim.


Hi guys, thank you for reading the first chapter of this story. I'm going to keep on adding chapters to it because I really like writing this story so far. Leave a comment if you think I should keep on going because I'm not going to keep on going if you guys don't like it.

Anyway, I'm probably going to keep on going until the finals and yes, the new brawlers will be in it. I might add skins as well. I hope you liked it! 😃👍🤪😎🤩🥳😇☺️

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