Stage 0: Them

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Every relationship, be it a platonic, romantic, or any other kind, starts with a first meeting. [Name] wasn't quite a fan of the whole 'meeting new people thing' mostly because saying her name over and over again led to quite a tiring routine. She, however, still liked meeting new people, especially if their personalities pleased her. This guy right now though, the one standing in front of her, did not please her.


Her first impression of Karasuno's volleyball team? Lively. That's what she felt the moment she entered the gym. It was buzzing with energy and that alone gave her more motivation than before to attempt on applying an application form in their club.

Before she could even stop watching with awe, the team manager gathered the team's attention and directed it towards the girl simply by saying,

"Hello. Do you need anything?"

To say that she was frozen by the manager's beauty would be the proper description of the current situation. Sudden thoughts like 'Oh, she's so pretty' and 'Ah kami-sama does have his favorites' started to breeze past her brain, making her forget her actual purpose for being there.

"Um. Excuse me?"

[Name] immediately snapped out of her thoughts and smiled shyly at the raven-haired beauty in front of her.

"U-Um," she muttered. "[Full Name] I would like to apply as a co-manager."

The current manager of the team's eyes slightly widened out of surprise before giving out a small smile towards the first year.

"Sure," she said while nodding slightly. "Extra help is always pleased."

As the two discussed how to formally apply as a manager, the captain assembled the team in a line.


The said girl nodded her head and faced the team, introducing the new manager.

"She is here to apply as a co-manager." Kiyoko turned to the first year and said, "[Surname]-san if you will."

[Name] nodded at her senpai, taking it as a sign to introduce herself.

"Hello. I'm [Full Name] from Class 1-3. I'm going to apply for the co-manager position. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

After introducing herself, she gave a short bow and looked back at the team. First to introduce each other was the third year group. [Name] could feel the energy of a father and mother from the due. Next were the second years. First to introduce himself from this batch was none other than the one who had a bald hairdo. After hearing his name, the new manager did not hesitate to address him with the honorific senpai, leading to the second year being flattered. When the other three second years were done, the first years finally started.

"Hi! I'm Hinata Shoyo! From Class 1-1!" The hyperactive half of the freak duo grinned and was quick to remark that the girl standing in front of him was shorter. This lead to a chop to his head from none other than the one next to him, [Name]'s seatmate in class.

"Hello. I'm Kageyama Tobio, your classmate. Setter of the team."

[Name] nodded at his classmate, silently laughing at the fact that despite them being seatmates, he still reintroduced himself.

"Hi! Yamaguchi Tadashi from Class 1-4. Pleased to meet you too, [Surname]-san."

[Name] couldn't help but admire the freckles that were on the cheeks of the cute boy.

"Your freckles add so much to your cuteness." The bluntness delivered in the statement took the team by surprise, especially the one directly addressed to it.

The boy softly said some words of gratitude towards the girl as he tried to contain his feeling of being flattered.


The last member of the team who was yet to introduce himself clicked his tongue, annoyed already at the new manager. The girl looked at him and smiled as she waited for his name.

The blond raised his eyebrow at her and said, "Tsukishima Kei, Class 1-4. Pleased to meet your acquaintance as well, chibi-chan."

The boy smirked while the girl's smile, although still the same size, turned to more of an annoyed one.

"Ah, sorry. For a second there I thought you were a lamppost. But then again, you don't seem to be bright."

The retort sparked something within the tall blond, leaving him both amused and annoyed, the latter being stronger than the former.

"Wait, what did you say? Speak up, I can't hear you from down there, munchkin."

"Oh? And here I thought you just had blurry vision. It looks like you also need to have your ears checked soon, bigfoot."

"Instead of recommending check-ups, shouldn't you be making chocolate and candies right now, Oompa-Loompa?"

"Ah, I actually came here to have you try some sweets but then I realized it might ruin your diet, you giraffe."

"Why don't you go ahead and eat it right now since you won't be allowed any snacks after midnight, gremlin."

"Don't worry, even if I do, I'm sure you'll be able to make a quick escape, you ostrich."

Before the tall middle blocker can add anything else, Daichi stopped both of them, giving them the look as he told them to stop. The two both got the idea that continuing would lead to a scary outcome, forcing them to silently agree to a truce for now.

Contrary to how it looked like, the two, albeit both annoyed, also found humor in what they did. As they observed each other when the other wasn't looking, they found themselves intrigued by the other. While they both were irritated by each other's existence, they also found a small hint of curiosity regarding how the other days will play out. As for the team, they sensed that this will either be the start of an awful rivalry or a great friendship.


10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now