Stage 3: Her

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It was club time and the boys were once again in a line. Their coach, Keishin, had them practice on their receives again.

It was just the regular routine today. Two rounds of five receives from each person and then spiking. 

[Name] always loved looking at the boys' practice, especially when it's their forte. Seeing Yu's face light up when he receives the balls made her feel happy as well. The same feeling comes whenever Shoyo gets to spike a ball with all his strength. The pure happiness seen on his face after that makes her feel like a proud mother, of course, second to their vice-captain.

There was this one person though who never really seems to push himself but still makes her smile whenever he does anything in training.

From his improving receives to his good blocks, everything about him was amazing. At least to [Name], it was like that.

Merely his height already sent her in awe. Like, how does someone even be that tall at such an age? Has he always been that tall? Did he like get stretched or something?

"When kami-sama made having height rain all over the world, Tsukishima was out there to soak it all up like a sponge," [Name] mumbled to herself.

Kiyoko, who heard her statement, laughed a bit.

"What are you mumbling, munchkin?"

[Name] froze, hoping that he didn't hear anything she said. She looked at Kei who was towering over her. He was wiping his sweat as he drank water. Once he finished, he placed down the bottle and looked back at the girl staring at her.

"What? Jealous of my height, chibi?"

"As if I would be, beanstalk."

"You don't have to lie. I'd love to show you how to grow tall but from what I've heard, beansprouts have a limited height they can grow into."

Before [Name] could reply, the team was asked to return to the court to practice their spikes. [Name] could only huff as a response to the blond's remark.

"[Surname]-san, I hope you're not annoyed with him," Kiyoko said, concerned that one day the two might actually fall apart and not get along anymore.

"Oh, I'm not annoyed with him. Not at all."

It sounded sarcastic. But it wasn't. Ever since she realized that she started to like Kei as more than a friend, she couldn't really find it in her anymore to be annoyed with him. She might get annoyed once in a while, but not really as serious as before.

'It seems like, even if he annoys me, my feelings still overshadow it.'

[Name] looked at Kei who was next in line to spike the ball. She couldn't help but look with awe as he slammed the ball to the other side of the court. The girl couldn't really stop being amazed by him as a whole. He was amazing.

'He's like this already. Imagine if he actually tried.'

[Name] couldn't help but wonder why the boy wouldn't show as much effort as the shorter middle blocker, but she pushed off that question for another time. For now, she was happy seeing him play.


"I'm tired," Tadashi said as he stretched his left shoulder.

"We should get some pads or something to put on it so it wouldn't sore much," [Name] said while looking at the boy.

"I have some at home, don't worry about it. This is where I go now. Bye!" Tadashi parted ways with them, waving goodbye to the pair.

The two suddenly became silent. Neither talked due to the fear that they might say something wrong and embarrass themself.

[Name] looked at Kei who had his headphones on his neck. Most of the time, when it was only the two of them walking home, he'd start playing some music, probably to stop her from annoying him or block out her existence.

[Name] made sure not to tease him first whenever they walked after training because of the fact that he might get annoyed easily due to being tired. She'd tease back though if he started it.

"Mou~ I'm hungry," [Name] said to herself, leaning her head back.

"There's a store nearby," Kei said, not even looking at the girl who was talking to herself.

[Name] couldn't help but blush in embarrassment when she realized he might've heard her.

"We don't have to go. I'm not that hungry. Besides, it might be a bother."

The girl heard the guy click his tongue before looking at her.

"Who said it was for you? I'm hungry. I'm going to buy food."

"Ah," [Name] said, slightly more embarrassed than before. "You can go ahead and stop if you want. I'll just continue walking home."

"No," Kei said, without thinking twice. "As if I'm gonna let you go home alone. If anything happens to you, the team's gonna blame me for it."

[Name] couldn't help but feel flustered. He was concerned with her. Well, it stemmed from the fear of having to deal with the team, but still. Concern is concern and when it comes from your crush, it comes with a blush for you.


The two walked towards the nearby convenience store. When they entered, only a few people were inside. [Name] went to the aisle where they had the packed sandwiches and decided to get one of those with three slices of bread. She also grabbed one [f/d] along the way. Before she walked to the counter, she looked for the blond she was with earlier.

'He didn't ditch me, right? If he did I'm un-crushing him.'

[Name] peeked by the counter and saw Kei leaning against the shelves nearby, his headphones on his head.

"I thought he was hungry," the girl, once again, said to herself.

She couldn't help but admire him for a bit before walking towards the counter. It wasn't often for her to see him in such a relaxed way without a scowl or a smirk on his face. He had a straight face on and yet for some reason, it still made her heart race.

'Just imagine what a smile would do to me.'

When [Name] reached the counter, she turned towards Kei who was still not buying anything.

"I thought you were hungry?"

"I don't feel hungry anymore."

"Eh? But you said-"

[Name] didn't even bother to argue anymore.

'I can't help but think now that he just suggested we go to this store just because he knew I wouldn't even dare recommend it.'

Her heartbeat started to race again.

'Damn you, Tsukishima.'

When she was finally done paying, the two resumed walking again. After opening the pack in half, [Name] ripped the sandwich in half too. She grabbed the half she touched with her hand and extended the one with the pack to Kei.

"Huh?" Kei raised his eyebrow at the girl, confused by her actions.

"Just take it. You said you were hungry earlier. At least eat something."

Kei knew that the girl would just continue pestering him until he actually took it, so he did.

"You know, you're actually pretty nice if you try," [Name] said before taking a bite and looking at the night sky.

"I didn't do anything for you. I actually was hungry earlier."

"If you say so," [Name] teased.

The two continued walking without making another conversation.

'You know, Tsukishima. It might really just have been my imagination, but it felt like we went there for me through your lie. And if that's the truth, I really can't help but adore you more.'

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now