Stage ∞: Them

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It was Monday morning and Kei was standing in front of the [h/c]-haired girl's one-story house.

"Kei-kun! Good morning!" [Name]'s mother said the moment she opened the door. 

"Good morning Auntie."

"Wait a minute. [Name]! Kei's here!"

When the blond dropped off the girl after their date two days ago, her mother was quick to ask the status of the two. Having no reason to hide it, they told her they were officially going out. Once she heard that, [M/N] started calling the boy by his first name-- after making sure he was fine with it though. This was soon followed by [Name] complaining about how it took her a month to even get there while her mother took a day. It was a fun sight to watch and a nice way to end the day.

"Oh! Beanstalk! You're here earlier than I expected." 

[Name] popped out suddenly from the entrance of the living room. She was smiling at Kei who was still at the entrance of her home. 

"With how slow you walk, I was worried we were gonna be late Beansprout."

"Wait! Let me get something," she said, before dashing towards the dining room and grabbing an orange. When she passed by the sofa in the living room, the girl grabbed her bag that was on it and headed to where Kei was standing. After a quick goodbye kiss to her mother's cheek, [Name] started dragging the blond to the walkway.

[M/N] looked at the two as they disappeared from her sight. The woman smiled to herself as she adored the new couple.

"Honey, did you hear that? They call each other beanstalk and beansprout. They're so adorable."

"Nothing beats steam bun and dumpling," [F/N] said, referring to their old nicknames that they grew out of.



[Name] carefully peeled her orange by sections. Meanwhile, Kei held out his hand for her to put the orange peels on it. While doing so, the girl voiced out things that were orange in color.

"Sunsets and tangerines," she said as she peeled back the first section.

"Leaves that fall on autumn days," the girl continued, handing the peel of the second section to Kei.

The tall blond, on the other hand, kept silent and listened to the girl as she kept reciting orange things.

"Traffic cones, life vests, Hinata's hair."

Kei couldn't help but chuckle at how she included the other middle blocker's hair color in her list of orange things.

"Noya-senpai's jersey, the walls of the gym."

[Name] smiled to herself when she finally got all of the peelings off. Kei, whose left hand was filled with the orange peels, looked for a nearby trash can. As he was about to throw them away, the first-year manager cried out to him.

"No! Don't throw away my peelings for you," she joked.

Kei only shook his head as he continued to throw them away.

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now