Stage 1: Him

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It didn't take a month for the two to actually get along, although one could say that their friendship is quite the unusual one. Instead of a normal greeting, the two would often try to out-tease the other. Just like the freak duo's competition of who arrives first, these two had their own tally for whoever out-teases the other. As of now, they were at 13-12 with Tsukishima in the lead.

Ever since then, neither could deny the fact that their mornings were fun as long as the other was around. It became a routine of some sorts and not upholding it left the first part of the day a little less bright. The blond would argue that it's because of the lack of being entertained, to which the new co-manager will immediately agree to, but somehow it also felt wrong to simply sum it up in such words.

Today was one of those days. It was quite rare for the [h/c] haired girl to be late, but it wasn't impossible. Once, her reason was just that she wanted to stop by a store and buy [f/d]. She followed up by saying that she already was going to be late anyway so she'd rather be late with her favorite drink rather than just be late.

'I wonder why she's late right now though.'

The blond wasn't concerned with her. Or at least that's what he tells himself. Surely though, that's the truth, right? He was only annoyed because of the fact she didn't show up to continue their daily morning teasing. Why else would he be irritated?

A grunt he failed to contain went past his lips, catching the attention of his seatmate. Hearing the sound of the door slide, Kei decided to look forward, pushing aside his thoughts for now to focus on class. This, however, became useless right after when the door once again slid open. Naturally, due to curiosity, the class looked at the person who opened the door.

There stood the very person that he wanted to not think of at the moment.

"Ms. [Surname]," their teacher said with surprise laced in his tone. "What can I help you with?"

"Oh Sensei." [Name] grinned while scratching the back of her head. "Seeing that you haven't started yet, can I borrow Tsukishima for a moment? Club purposes."

"Of course. Make sure not to take too much time."

"Thank you Sensei."

Kei slightly raised his eyebrow, confused with the girl's actions. He stood up and started heading towards the door at the back since it was the one closest to his seat.

The [h/c] haired girl went towards his direction, skipping, while he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"What do you need?" He asked with his voice as monotone as ever.

"My my. Not even happy to see me, lamppost? And here I thought you were looking for me." The girl pouted while teasing the tall volleyball player in front of her.

"I actually had a pretty decent morning until you showed up."

He was lying. He knew that he was, but he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing he was.

"Aish," the girl said, scratching her head lightly. "And here I was planning to give a sorry gift to you just because I was late."

"A gift? I thought this was about the club?"

"If it really was then I should've also called Yamaguchi, baka," she said, dragging out the vowels in her last word.

"If you have something to give, do it already. I need to go back and you still need to go to class too."

"Aye aye sir," the girl mumbled as she reached for her pocket.

She brought out two lollipops with a note attached to it.

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now