Stage 4: Her

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[Name] didn't know what to do.

'Too loud. It's too loud.'

The girl could feel her heartbeat without even touching it. It was too much. She felt like everyone could hear it, not that she'd care about their opinions. What she did care about though was the tall blond who was walking with her. Although it was impossible, [Name] was scared that her own heart would expose her secret admiration for Kei.

Her breathing pattern became very fast, catching the attention of the boy beside her.

"Are you doing a marathon back there? The way you're breathing is too fast for a walk."

"Ah, sorry." [Name] said, putting her hand on her nape.

"You don't look okay," Kei said, looking at the girl and pointing out her current state. She seemed bothered and looked like someone who just finished twenty laps of jogging with her flushed cheeks.

'This situation is not okay! I don't want to stay here any longer. Should I run? No no. He'll know something's up. I can't stay like this though. I don't think being around him is good for my health.'

[Name] tried to think of ways to escape from her current situation before her heart jumps out of her chest. She went over all her possible actions before settling with the one she was most common with.

"Are you really the lamppost? You sure you ate something? Maybe it's the empty stomach talking," [Name] said, placing her thumb under her chin and her index finger on her chin. She stared at the blond while pretending to assess what was wrong with him.

Kei clicked his tongue and said, "And here I thought you were sick or something. Turns out, you're just being an idiot again."

"Hey!" [Name] pouted and placed her hands at her waist. "I am not an idiot!"

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it'll come true."

[Name] laughed, surprising the guy.

"Sure, I'll add that to my list of wishes for when a shooting star passes by."

Other than the fact that Kei makes her heart run faster than ever, the guy also made her feel very happy. Maybe that was the reason why no matter how much she wanted to run away for the sake of her heart, she still didn't leave. Well, she did the day before, but still.

'Ah, I can't believe liking someone can lead you to so many contradictions. I want to be near him and yet I want to hide at the same time. I want to hold his hand but I don't want to as well. He makes me all nervous yet happy whenever I'm with him. Just what are you doing to me, Tsukishima?'

[Name] glanced at Kei, who was just silently walking beside her.

It was too silent. They'd often ramble with each other whenever they're each other, but ever since the day they got ice cream, they seemed to talk less. Or at least, tease each other less. But teasing was like eighty-three percent of their conversation. Did she do something wrong? Oh no. Did he notice that she was different?

"You seem to be lost in your thoughts recently. Don't try to think too much. That's bad for those who don't have a brain."

"Oh lamppost, maybe that's why you're such a headache. Cause you are brainless!"

"Idiot. If you're the one experiencing the headache then you're the brainless one." Kei rolled his eyes at the [h/c]-haired girl.

"Is that how it works?" [Name] asked, tilting her head to the left while doing so.

"Of course, you idiot munchkin."

"Wait a minute giraffe," [Name] said, pointing towards the boy. "How would you know that if you're not brainless yourself?"

"Don't associate me with your kind, gremlin."

"Come on, lamppost. Join the dark side."

Kei looked at [Name] who was grinning at him before saying, "No."

"Worth a shot." [Name] shrugged her shoulders as she took a turn while walking.


In just one second, [Name] almost got ran over, got pulled into a securing hug, and got to feel her crush's hand on her wrist. An eventful morning, to say the least.

"Stop being an idiot, idiot! You should be more aware of your surroundings."

When [Name] took a turn, she wasn't able to notice the speeding motorcycle that was going to cross with her. Kei, who was able to notice and react in time, grabbed her by her wrist with his left hand and pulled her to him. As a reaction, he secured her in place by wrapping his right arm around her with her face to his gakuran [the black top of their uniform].

"Sorry," she muttered, her voice muffled.

[Name] was still trying to process the whole thing. The motorcycle incident already went past her. What she couldn't get over was that Kei was still holding her. He probably thought that she was shaken up by what happened, but actually, she just didn't want to move.

How often was it that she could get close to him considering his attitude. The chance was here and she was going to enjoy it as much as she could. Plus, she wasn't sure, but she might be a blushing mess at the moment. If Kei were to find that out, she'd never hear the end of it.

"Hey. You're not dead. Move."

'And times up.'


[Name] continued to stare at her left wrist while her class waited for their teacher.

His hand was warm. No matter how much he acted like a cold jerk, his hand was still warm. Of course it was, he was alive. But still, it kind of surprised her.

'Maybe I should get in trouble more to experience holding his hand. Ah, but he will keep calling me an idiot for that. I don't think that's worth the trouble. Or is it?'

Liking someone really does make you think stupid things. But she couldn't deny it. She wanted to hold his hand. She wanted to hug him. She wanted to show him affection. But she didn't have the right to.

'Tsukishima Kei. How much would it take for just a chance to express what I feel without telling you I like you?'

10 Stages of Me and You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now