End Note

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Finally I get to write an author note ahhhh. Y'all have no idea how much I wanted to attach side notes and stuff in the chapters.

Anyways, this is it. We've reached the end of this book. Thank you for reading! If you liked it, I hope you can leave even just a teeny tiny note. I'd love to read that!!

Also, I really enjoyed writing it. I've actually made it a routine to write two chapters per night, and I did. The last stage (Stage 10) really got the creative juices drained from me. 4000 plus words all in all for those two chapters. My brain pls.

Anyways this is the end of 10 stages.

HOWEVER!!! This ain't the end of the series (well not really a series)!! No!!

We have a sequel coming up that is also in the works already.

Anyways, let me just say this YAMAGUCHI WINGMAN!!! BEST WINGMAN EVER!!


Alright then. I hope to see you soon in my sequel book and other books as well. I am planning to make a total of 6 Tsukishima books so yeah!!

I'll update you all when the sequel comes out!!!

Love you all!! 💖💖

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