Note from author (please don't skip this.)

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Note from author;

So, hey guys. It's me, Artemis! As you know, I'm the author of the book, & this is my first time writing an author note, and that makes me very self-conscious, but that's not important. I just wanted to tell you that, I'd like it if you guys like, vote for me & all, write comments below so that I know I actually have freaking readers. It's not my first time writing these kind of stories, though I'm still very, very amateur. So, if I have any mistakes, please tell me, & criticism is allowed so that I can fix my mistake, but please don't take it too far. I really love writing, it's not a hobby, but my life. Still, the mean comments would be hard for me to take. Oh, and if you have questions, any questions please ask, do as you wish. I promise, I'll try to answer them if I see them, or if I am able to answer them. Sorry for boring you with this long note, peace out!  

                                                                                                                           Artemis Jackson.

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