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Yoonjin's POV

" You really can't spell. " Jaehyun smirked as he walked towards me. He bend his back to match me height, his face inches away from mine.

" Teach me then, Miss Lee Yoonjin. " I rolled my eyes. Everyone is crowding outside the classroom to see what's happening and it's annoying.

I looked at the time. " My class is about to start. Get out of the class. " He smirk as he sat on my desk, shaking his head.

" Isn't your next subject PE? Well, guess what? Your teacher isn't here today so our classes are combined. " He grinned.

I took a deep breath in and out. I can't believe I'm going to spend two periods with this jerk. " So what do you want? Yes our PE periods are together. Yay? "

He hopped off my table, " I want us to be together. " He winked and people outside of the class started to cheer.

If you're wondering about Ayeon, she was dragged out of the classroom so the classroom is pretty much empty except for the both of us.

" That's what you want but that's not what I want. Jung Jaehyun, other girls might be swooned by you but honestly I've seen better and i'm not interested in scumbags. " I said.

I couldn't read his eyes but it's just really mixed emotions. He cleared his throat, " What will you do to be together with me? " He asked.

I furrowed my brows, " Why do you want to be together with me? There's a ton of other girls who will literally die to be with you. "

" So that I can annoy the shit out of you. " He burst into laughter by himself. Literally. I feel so awkward on his behalf.

I stood there, not knowing what to reply. " Why? Are you so speechless? Did you really think I will try hard to get you? " I sighed.

" I'm speechless at how you made this atmosphere so awkward but only you don't realised it. " I said and he became awkward.

I took out my PE shirt from my bag, before leaving the class to change. If this is in a drama, the girl probably placed her shirt over the toilet cubicle and it will disappear but nah, i'm not going to do that.

I changed out of it and I walked out of the cubicle to see Harin standing in front of me with her Jaehyun fanclub members.

" I heard Jaehyun asked you to be his girlfriend and you rejected him. You even made a joke out of it. " I washed my hands and ignored them.

I was going to leave the toilet when they blocked my way. " Excuse me. " I said and they burst into laughter. I swear I thought I'm in a witch school.

" Oh, when you're in emergency situation you know how to be respectful. " I furrowed my brows.

Just then, some girl opened the door so I managed to get out of there. I walked back to my classroom to see Ayeon all changed. " How did you change so quickly? "

She chuckled, " When you and Jaehyun was talking, I went to change. " She grinned. I told her what happened in the washroom and she shot me an uncomfortable face.

" Jung Jaehyun have weird people surrounding him." I nodded and we laughed.

Harin then came marching in with her fanclub which is pretty funny if you see it. " Lee Yoonjin, don't think you can escape from us! " And they left.

I sighed.

We went to the sports hall for PE lesson and since there's two classes, it's pretty chaotic. Ayeon and I stick to the side of the room since we are the no-sports team.

Jaehyun walked in with his friends and he glanced around the room before his eyes met mine. " He's probably going to come and find trouble again. " Ayeon said and I nodded.

He did walk over like what we've predicted.

" I guess the two of you don't do sports. That's why your figure is- "

" Hot? " I said and they burst into laughter.

He eyed me up and down, " This is hot? Are you kidding me? " He sounds as if he have breathing difficulty and mucus is about to spurt out.

" Oh, sorry. I meant flaming hot like those flaming hot cheetos you get. " They laughed even harder and I swear, it's not even that funny.

" You're hilarious but nothing is as funny as your face. " He high-five his friends as if what he said is the most iconic thing.

I stared at him while looking uncomfortable. " You should really just stick to one friend if all your friends are going to give you fake boost of confidence cause that statement that you just made really sucks."

Here's the thing, Harin sticks to Jaehyun like a slug. " Jaehyun! " She screamed at her highest pitch and I heard she did that because she thinks guys likes girls with high pitched voice.

" Oh god. " Jaehyun cursed under his breath.

" The nicest thing I can say to you is, good luck. " I shot him a smile and that dude literally pointed a middle finger at me. How rude.

Harin ran over to Jaehyun, " Jaehyun, i'm so happy that we're in the same PE class today. " She attempted to cling onto his arm but he moved his arm away.

" What did Yoonjin do to you again? " She glared at me and Jaehyun walked off. She became flustered whether to attack me or cling onto Jaehyun but she chose him.

" You know what's funny? Jaehyun isn't the one making your life a living hell, Harin is. " Ayeon burst into laughter and I nodded in agreement.

After all the lessons are done, we headed home. My dad has a chauffeur that drives us around so he would always bring Ayeon and I home.

After dropping Ayeon home, he then drops me home. " Thank you. " I said before exiting the car.

I pushed open the house door to see Taeyong laying on the watch the TV. " What's up sis? " I rolled my eyes as I sat beside him.

" Why are you home? I thought you were out drinking. " He sat up straight the moment he heard that and he turned towards me.

" Hey, drinking is for the night. When the night is dark you drink. Daytime drinking have no kick. One day, I'll bring you there. " He winked.

I shook my head, " No thanks. " He rolled his eyes.

" Can't you do something meaningful with your life? Seriously? Drinking your life away? That's pathetic. " He looked at me with a shocked expression.

" Aren't you 13? why do you talk like a wise person from google? " I groaned. Why is my brother like this?

I waved my hand in front of his face. " Hello. I'm already 18 this year. " He thought for a while before his eyes widened again.

" No way! You're 18? You were just in your diapers being all cute yesterday! " He was so amazed at the fact that i'm 18 now.

He pinched my cheek, " My cute sister is no longer cute. I told all my friends that you're 13 now, I should update them. " He released my cheek and started to tap a lot on his phone.

I took out my phone and the first notification that I got was,

' @_Jeongjaehyun has requested to follow you. '

2nd April 2020

thank y'all for your support <3

stay safe!

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