15: Redemption

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Marcus stormed through the halls of the mansion, slamming doors and breaking the decoration. His face threatened to unleash havoc on anyone who dared to step in his way. He searched for Magenta everywhere until a poor butler told him her location.

Magenta was sunbathing on a chaise lounge chair at one of her courtyards. She was wearing a white beach dress with a discrete floral design, sunglasses, and a wide sunhat. A maid stood by her side, pouring mango juice into her cup.

Marcus rushed toward her and ordered the maid to get lost with a glare. The scared girl ran away, leaving the two of them alone. Magenta lowered her sunglasses to look at him.

"You look awful, Marcus," she said.

"Mind explaining what the hell is the meaning of this?" His voice rumbled throughout the courtyard.

The lady sighed as she sat up. "Persen won, that's it." Her voice was calm.

"That's it?" He clenched his fists. "Ramos' army was obliterated! We had a deal!"

"We did, but Persen's offer was impossible to reject." She took off her sunglasses. "Six million Dentz, plus his protection. We are untouchable now, Marcus. Can you believe it?" Magenta beamed at him.

"Fuck that!" Marcus snapped. "Hundreds of people died, and one innocent girl has been sold like a slave!" His throat knotted with anger. "What have you turned into, Magenta?"

Magenta scowled as she eased herself from her chair. She walked up to Marcus and stung her eyes on his. "I did what I had to do!" she shouted in his face. "Persen is our new governor. We have his protection now, and we are more powerful than ever! I did this for us. Why can't you understand that?"

Marcus stared at her with contempt and shook his head. "Power has blinded you. You're no better than Persen." His voice filled with poison. "I should've left you where I found you."

"What did you say?" She glared at him, lips quivering as her face flushed with fury. "What the fuck do you know, Marcus?" Magenta seized his collar, yanking him toward her face. "Do you know all the shit I had to go through to achieve this? All the disgusting things I had to do? The fuck you know! You ran away when I needed you!"

He pulled her hands off him. "I didn't run away. You drove me away with your insanity. And now I see I was right . . . You're a monster."

Those words pierced Magenta like knives. She slapped him and then began punching him, but Marcus seized her arms and pushed her away from him.

"I'm done with you, fucking coward!" she roared. "Get the fuck outta here! I don't need you anymore! Go!" Her screams attracted the servants, who gathered by the windows and doors. Ronner, who had been watching the scene from above, yelled at them to disappear. In one second, every servant vanished.

"Do you expect me to leave the poor girl alone?" Marcus took one menacing step forward. "I won't allow it!"

Magenta laughed between her clenched teeth. "You're leaving. It is an order you're gonna follow whether you like it or not."

"And what if I don't?"

She lowered her head, tightening her fists. Blood ran between her fingers as she buried her nails into her palms. "If you don't . . . Your girl and that bitch of your ex-wife will suffer the consequences." Magenta lifted her gaze at him, her eyes a green tempest. "Please, don't push me anymore . . . Go, Marcus, disappear from my sight."

The time froze.

Marcus could only hear his heart screaming and kicking in his chest as turmoil built up in his mind. He could not believe that woman was the same one he had once loved.

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