28: Ghost Love (Part 1 & 2)

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One Month later...


Remnya lay on Brisa's bed, waiting for her to come out of the changing room. Remnya had agreed to help her pick the best dress for the upcoming ceremony; Ronner would be waiting for her at the altar that night. He had invited everyone in the city to witness the humiliation: the powerful Lady Magenta replaced by a simple maid.

Ronner had made sure to spread nasty rumors and lies across the city; Magenta had ordered the deaths of a poor old lady called Orena and an innocent girl called Ellyn. However, his then-boyfriend, Ronner Kavalar, had exposed her crime. Afraid, she tried to run away, but Ronner and his men stopped her and brought her to justice.

People were gullible and stupid; they would chew and swallow any bullshit the elites threw at them. They had voted for someone like Persen Doman as governor, and now, his son Cassius Viper Doman would replace him. Remnya's blood boiled, thinking about how many lives had perished under the schemes of those demons.

If she could just expose them to the world.

The door of the changing room opened, and Brisa finally walked out, wearing that dress she hated so much; her wedding dress. An exotic design of black mulberry silk with a long trail showered in gemstones, mainly amethysts, giving the dress violet sparks. Her long hair fell graciously over her shoulders, blending with the silk into a mesmerizing shimmer.

Remnya sprang from the bed. "You look beautiful!" she shouted, scanning Brisa from head to toe.

"Do I?" Brisa twisted her lips and fixed her downcast eyes in the mirror. She let out a deep sigh. "I always thought it would be different."

Remnya stood behind her and leaned her hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry. You'll be out of here before you realize," Remnya assured with a confident smile.

"When I was a little girl, I always dreamed of getting married to a prince." Brisa stifled a lifeless chuckle. "Have you ever dreamed of it?"

"No," Remnya rushed to say, ignoring her childish dreams of knights and princesses. "But I used to dream of having a family."

Brisa stared at her for a moment, and then a tender smile drew across her face. "You already have a family."

Remnya raised her eyebrows and took her time to digest those words. Do I have a family? She fixed her eyes on their reflection. They looked so different, yet so alike. She smiled. "Well, we have the same hair color, and I'm almost your height now! You could be my older sister."

Brisa smirked. "You still got a long way, midget."

"Hey! I'm almost 5'8 (1,72) now!" Remnya pouted. "You cheat by wearing heels!"

"Yeah, I know." Brisa snickered. "Trust me, you'll be a giant when you reach adulthood. I'll be a shorter older sister." She turned to Remnya and ruffled her hair. "Come, help me remove this dress. It's too heavy, I can barely move." Remnya nodded and accompanied Brisa toward the changing room.

They struggled with the dress for a while. The slightest mistake could ruin the fine silk.

"Where's room 125?" Remnya asked, removing the trail of Brisa's dress.

Brisa widened her eyes. "Room 125?"

"The key Magenta gave me belongs to that room. Where is it?"

Brisa removed the last piece of her dress and stood up. "There's no room 125."

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