Nightmares 🪐

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Craig's Point Of View~

There they go arguing again. It's the same bullshit every night. Neither one of them is right though. It's pathetic. I go to my room and slam my door, to make a statement . It shut them up, thank fucking god. I go into my room and flop onto my bed.

Darkness surrounds me completely, engulfing me and my scrawny body. It feels cold as ice and sticks like oil. It smells like an explosion or a gas station. It flows over my mouth and tastes like the most bitter chocolate you could ever taste. It covers my nose and slowly drowns me. My lungs burn and my throat closes up, I don't even struggle to escape it's menacing grip. It covers my eyes and glues them shut.  I slip away into the darkness...

I jolt up in my bed and grasp at my bedsheets . "I need to get out of here" i think to myself. I slip a NASA jumper and black jeans on and flop my hat on and swiftly climb out of my window onto the grass. I take a deep breath and just keep walking from that point. I stop near the edge of town and take in the view, running away became a daily chore for me, yet it never got any less tiring. I took a second to admire the sky, a purple and yellow mixture and spread across the horizon. It was truly beautiful. "Nice slippers Tucker!" I hear a familiar voice yell from behind me. I look down and see my pink bunny slippers that I forgot to change. "Fuck. I know who's behind me." i think to myself. I turn around to see the town pervert. Kenny McWhoremick. Why did he have to see me of all people? Great.  "Fuck off McWhoremick." I say spitefully. Funnily enough I had no hate for this beautiful asshole. His scrappy hair and sexy voice, everything about him is beautiful. Needless to say, I was definitely in love with him, but then again who wasn't? Still it bruised my ego to admit it. He starts to walk up to me, stopping right in front of me. He inches closer to my face, shutting his eyes softly. His eyelashes fluttering against his rosy cheeks. "What the fuck is he doing?" i think to myself, face getting hotter by the second. He suddenly whispers in my ear "Make me pretty boy." He says in a low husky tone, his warm breath against my neck makes me shudder. It sends chills down my spine "Maybe I will." I say, trying to regain any confidence i had. I slowly grab his chin softly and pulling him up to look at me. He suddenly closes the gap between us. "What the fuck?! I'm literally kissing Kenny right now." I think, quickly reacting to the kiss.  After about 5 minutes, he pulls away. I look at him needily, like a dog in heat. I wanted more and he knew that. He grins at me and grabs my hand. "Didn't know you wanted me that bad Tucker. Let me walk you home."  He says staring into my eyes, I nod and walk along with him, considering i had nothing better to do. "Why did you kiss me Kenny?" I ask. I generally wanted to know considering he always seemed like he hated me."It's clearly not because of some attraction you have to me and i'm not the most popular dude, so why?" It kin so felt like he was playing my feelings in the moment but i didn't care. Kissing someone, especially him, was still a privilege i didn't really get exposed to that often. "Actually i've wanted to do that for a while , just never did. I felt that was the best time to do it." He says shyly, I blush deeply. I thought this guy was a pervert, so why is he so flustered?. We finally get to my window, disappointed that my night with him was over. He clearly feels the same way, due to the look on his face when I hop through my window. "Wanna sleep over?" I say, offering him a hand. He smiles and nods, hopping through my window. I take off my jumper and lay down, Kenny joins me, shirtless and we just cuddle. I fall asleep in his arms...

Hey guys! It's your author, Leiane. Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me. I honestly didn't know if I would write again after my other account was lost but it's my passion and I want to create content for you guys! As always, leave me some criticism and things you want to be in the story! Thank you again for reading :)

- Leiane 🌈

ummmmm hey, it's leiane. i decided that this book needed a desperate rewrite, so that's what i'm doing now. i'm sorry i haven't written in so long, but i swear i'll get something new out <3

-  leiane 🌸

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