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Craig's Point of View-

I keep running. People know that I murdered Tweek, yet totally forgot that I murdered Kenny. They don't know I did it but they knew that Tweek was dead. He was reported missing and fuck, they found his body. I run and hop my garden fence. I hide in my bedroom and start to shake. Oh god, what the fuck am I going to do. I turn on the news, the police have found evidence at the crime scene. What the fuck did I leave? There's a subtle knock at the front door, it rattles through my mind.  "Hello ma'am we're here on account of a murder. We need to find your son." They are here, god. What did I leave and how do they know it was me? I have the knife , what did I do wrong? I paced back and forth in front of the mirror  and spotted my black hair sparkle in the sunlight. My fucking hat. That's how they knew it was me, I left my hat at the crime. I need to leave, I need to run. I hop out of the window and sprint as fast as I can. What am I supposed to do? As I run , I hear someone yell. "He's over there!" They found me. Oh god, my life is over. I run as fast as my legs will take me, through back alleys over fences.
I hear a helicopter fly overhead. There's no escape, no way out. I suddenly trip up, I'm done for. I start to cry and call out Kennys name. They drag me up by my shoulder. I bow my head in shame as cameras point my way. My life is over, and I'll never see Kenny ever again.

Kennys Point of View-

I wake up in my bed. Fucking great, the stab mark which once grazed my skin so gracefully burns off like it never happened. There was a shit load of noise outside of my window so I open it and jump out. Fuck, shouldn't of done that, my head hurts more now. I walk over to the crowd and push to the front. I see Craig being handcuffed. "CRAIG NO!" I screech, I'm not gonna let this happen. Our eyes lock and I start to shake and cry, he can't go. He may of killed me but he didn't mean to. "Kenny? KENNY!" He tries to struggle out  of the handcuffs but they hit him down and he hits the floor. I try to run at him but they grab me and hold me back. I cry and scream. I can't deal with this, I love him. "CRAIG PLEASE DONT GO" I cry out to him. "KENNY LISTEN , I will get out of here okay? Wait for me babe? I love you" he finally gets  pushed into a police car and they speed off. I'm let go but my knees give away. I stand up, shaking my and try to run. I fall again.  I'm so weak, I will get him back. No matter what cost.

Hey guys, it's me! Thank you for reading, it's a pleasure to write for all of you. This story is cringey if I'm honest, I feel like it isn't good whatsoever but yall still read and  I'm so appreciative. Thank you once again for reading and as always leave me some comments so I can see if you enjoyed! I love you guys 🥺

- Leiane 🪐

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