Go Ahead And Leave 👼🏼

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Craig's Point Of View-

It's 2AM and I still can't sleep. I'm tossing and turning like an idiot.

I sit up and sit on my window ledge, it's big enough for me to sit on , even if it's uncomfortable to do so.
I look out at the purple grazed sky and sigh, life is so easy for clouds and stars because they just get to live until they don't, no complications like lovers quarrels or silly arguements. They're all beautiful too, they have no issues with self esteem. People stare at them regardless of their quirks.

Kenny hasn't texted me since we saw Tweek and Butters. "God, I should see if he's okay ." I think to myself, anxiously pulling out my phone. I see that i have no new messages.

Craig- 💫
Kenny- 👼🏼
💫- Hey Babe, are you doing okay?

Kennys Point of View-

I look over to my right side and see Butters. He's laid ragged on the bed. His rough features don't even compare to Craig's. His eyelashes are short, they don't lay gently on his cheeks like Craig's do. His hair messily sits on his forehead, it doesn't frame his face like Craig's does. His light snoring is annoying, whereas Craig's makes me smile. It's harmonious and beautiful.

I still can't believe I cheated on him. I was desperate, it's in my nature to sleep with people. Me and Butters had a small history and he looked too damn good. I know I'm supposed to hate him but if I'm honest, this was exactly what I wanted. "Fuck. No it's not. I can't believe it, I cheated on Craig." the reality finally hitting me. "Why did I do this? I can't explain this to him. I feel awful. Right?" i sit and try to justify my actions to myself. Replaying the moments that got me here, when suddenly hear my phone buzz from my bedside table.

💫- Hey Babe, are you doing okay?

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I anxiously bite my nails, thinking of what to do. "I'm not gonna reply. I'm just gonna ignore it, it's better that way." I think to myself, reassuring that it's correct. I'm such an idiot. I lay back down and cuddle up to Butters, this was gonna be a long night.

Craig's Point of View-

Seen 5 minutes ago. "Why hasn't he answered? Maybe he's upset? Oh god, I need to go see him." The anxiety rushes through my body faster than any drug could. I get up and throw some clothes on and jump out of the window, sprinting to the nearest store.

I buy some flowers as a way of apologising to him, for not being there. I feel awful, he could be hurting and I'm not there.

I stare at the sky, the dark blue and purple intertwine like a couple dancing in tandem. I'd like to think that's like me and Kenny. In each others embrace, twirling around and shining brightly in our own ways. Suddenly, a black colour swoops in and the purple disappears. That's definitely not me and Kenny, come to think of it. We have a perfect relationship and something like the sky isn't a sign of anything bad...right?

I finally approach his house and knock on the door, no answer. I try the handle and it opens. Kenny lives alone, he moved in with his older brother but he's not around much, he's usually out doing drugs or finding the money for drugs. I walk up to Kennys bedroom and open the door. "Hey Babe, I hope your feeling alr...ight..." I stop mid sentence. There he is, in bed with Butters. "What the fuck." i say out loud, dropping the flowers on the floor. I throw the door shut, so there's a loud slam to wake them up. There are sounds inside of rustling, clearly they were thrown off by the noise. I hear more rustling before Kenny opens the door, wide eyed in horror. "Babe! It's not what it looks like!" Kenny screams, "I'm not that fucking dumb?!" i think to myself, anger shaking my entire body "Ah yes because you being in bed with your stalker is definitely not what it looks like! What were you doing? Playing fucking board games?!" I was beyond angry. I wanted to rip my hair out, one strand at a time. "Would you believe that? If I said we were just playing board games?" His sarcastic tone is my breaking point, i get so angry that i start to cry. "FUCK YOU MCCORMICK! You of all people, should know what it feels like to be fucked over! You're a no good dirty whore. I hope you fucking die. I hope you regret this everyday from now on, even when I'm long gone. " I point at Butters and stick my middle finger up. I run outside and walk around the whole of South Park aimlessly, again and again. Until I run into another person I don't want to see, Tweek Tweak.

Hey Guys! It's me, Leiane. I was in an awful mindset recently and I'm sorry for that! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, leave me some criticism!

- Leiane 🪐

heya, i'm sorta on a rewrite binge so that's why they're all being done at this time, so yeah
i hope you enjoyed :)

- leiane 🌸

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