The Escape 💫

702 13 31

-TW: mentions of harmful and abusive behaviour, Suicide-

Craig's Point of View-

We could finally escape from here. Me and Kenny hold hands and run off into the distance, over the green grassy hills and to my house. I greet my parents and tell them our plan. They seem proud to finally get rid of me, they were happy that we were getting away. They gave us a hundred dollars and we proceeded upstairs. I packed a duffel bag and gave a Kenny a smile to indicate i was finished. We grabbed my car keys and rushed down to the garage, we sat down, me driving obviously and Kenny sat next to me holding my hand. I turned the keys and backed out of the garage, speeding off into the night.

We drove for countless days, sleeping in my car until we reached New York, city of dreams. We were aware it was expensive and extravagant but we didn't care. We needed a change of scenery and this was perfect for us. For our new life.

We ended up getting a new apartment, it was high up and had a view of the whole city. I got a job as a waiter at a musical cafe and Kenny worked as a director. Life was good and we were able to move on from the past traumas we shared. However, whenever i see a short blond haired male, i think back to that moment, in Tweek's basement where he finally snapped and flared into my eyes. It's hard to get over but with the therapy i've been having, it's helped a lot.

I plan on proposing tonight, after we've eaten in a fancy restaurant. I hope he accepts it. I turn on the tv whilst i get ready.

"Butters Stotch, a highly dangerous criminal has escape from South Park Prison, he is extremely twisted and manipulative, call the police immediately if he is found"

"Babe? We have a problem!" i yell to Kenny . I wasn't going to risk his safety for date night.

We laid low for a few weeks, staying inside with our stockpiles of food. (Kenny is an official hoarder btw) I kept getting more and more tense.

-A few months later-

There was no sign of Butters anywhere. He's left no trace of his whereabouts. We thought it was safe, so we adopted a child! We called her Clementine, It was Karen's doing, not mine.

We finally got married a year after adopting Clem. She was our flower girl, everything was going perfectly until...

Kenny got sick.

real sick...

he passed away a few months after the wedding.

I started to drink.

A lot.

I hurt Clem badly one night.

I threw a bottle at her head.

I killed her.

She wouldn't be quiet. She kept crying.

She kept screaming.

"Daddy! No! Put down the bottle!"

She shouldn't have told me what to do.

I'm actually standing on top of a building right now.

The police are marching up the stairs.

to arrest me again

another murder.

just one step and i'll see Kenny and Clem again









- The End -

a dark ending to a dark story. i know you expecting them to be happy but they were for a while. i bet you wonder what happened to butters or if craig left a note. well craig left no note and Butters ended up living out life under a new identity before dying of old age. thank you so much for reading, this book was so interesting to write and i wish i could of made it longer but the storyline was meant to be short. i hope you all enjoyed. i'll see you all next time. i love you guys

- Leiane ❤️

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